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33 Affirmations Real Psychics Recommend for Aquarius

If you're an Aquarius, chances are you are very forward-thinking and an absolute joy to be around. When you enter a room, everyone knows they will be included in the conversation. You're naturally kind and can be thick-skinned. This causes you sometimes to be emotionally detached from people you are close to, especially when they don't think the same way you do.

When Aquarius use affirmations, they should observe how it feels in their bodies, using all of the senses. Because they can easily detach, it's essential for them to be grounded when speaking affirmations for them to sink ineffectively.

Managing their temper is essential for Aquarius. Because of their inflexibility, Aquarians can be a little bit stubborn to change their behavior and beliefs. This can lead to conflicts with others and within themselves.

Aquarius does really well expressing their creativity. They need to consider using this creativity with an affirmations practice in order to manage their emotions as well as their stress. It will also help them feel more connected to humanity, which is one of their life purposes.

We have included a list of positive affirmations below that are channeled specifically for Aquarius.

I am kind.

I feel myself connected to the Earth.

I think outside of the box.

I am innovative.

I am friendly.

The Universe sends me lessons to help me grow.

I go with the flow.

Every day I learn to be at ease and in the moment.

I ground myself every day,

I feel connected.

I enjoy feeling connected to others.

My Spirit Guides help center me with guidance and wisdom.

I am open to receive.

I enjoy the excitement that life offers.

Every day is a new experience.

I am open to new opportunities and approaches to life.

Every day I challenge myself to be more flexible.

I believe in the kindness of humanity.

I freely accept my own humanity.

I embrace all of my personality quirks.

I am lovable.

I understand.

I observe, and I participate.

The Universe provides me with insights and possibilities.

I enjoy new perspectives.

I am loving.

I learn to let go and let things be.

I embrace my ability to be kind.

My Spirit Guides point me in the right direction.

All is in divine timing.

I believe in my path.

I let go of the ideas and beliefs that no longer serve me.

Today and every day, I appreciate the joy in life.

When reading or speaking your affirmations, make sure you are in a quiet place of self-reflection. For Aquarius, you will especially want to ground yourself and make sure you are entirely in your body. Find a root chakra centering technique that works for you, so you are rooted and not too much in your own thoughts when reciting your affirmations. 

Check out your free Aquarius horoscope! 

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