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7 Soothing Ways Psychics Help You Stay Calm

If you've ever spoken with a real psychic before, you know they have a gift for helping people ground and center themselves during times of intense stress. One psychic phone reading with a psychic reader can ease your mind more than you realize, especially if you ask them for help. Psychics love to share their wisdom with you and help you spiritually grow and embrace a higher sense of wellness.

When speaking with your psychic, ask them about strategies to calm anxiety and tools you can use in your daily life. They will gladly share their insights with you and tailor their suggestions to what best suits you in your current situation.

Psychics might teach you a meditation to relax the mind

They are many different ways to meditate, and your psychic reader will have knowledge of a variety of them. Individual meditations work better for specific personality types than others. For instance, a transcendental meditation may work better for creative types with an overactive mind. Still, a guided meditation may work better for those needing a soothing voice to guide them to a pleasant and relaxing experience. They may also suggest that you download a learn to meditate app on your phone if you are new to meditation so that you can use it anytime you want.

Mindfulness is also another form of meditation that helps people relax and retrains the brain to be less stressed over time. Whether its a 7 minute mindfulness meditation or a 3 minute mindfulness meditation, they teach you to remember that the goal of meditation is to bring awareness and let go of judgment. Even though we may not realize it, our most significant source of stress is the judgment we place upon opinions we view as valuable.

They may recommend crystals for grounding and anxiety

Crystals can be very soothing when held and used as a worry stone. You don't need to invest in an expensive stone either for it to be useful for you. A small stone works best sometimes. As you speak with your psychic, they may recommend a gem for your zodiac sign or one specific to your issue that is troubling you. Crystals are easy to use during meditation or to carry around in your pocket. You can even wear them as jewelry. Please do your own research as well and use your intuition when it comes to picking crystals. You know yourself best.

They may explain the benefits of a mindfulness timer

Most of these timers are a mindfulness app you download on your phone that rings to let you know to stop, pause, breathe, and spend a specific amount of time just letting go and allowing yourself to be. The idea is that it will help you slow down and let go of some of the anxiety you might be feeling throughout your day and clear it out. There are also online applications you can use as well that have the same principle that you can use while you sit at a desk at a computer during your workday or off day. The key is using them regularly, as any psychic will tell you.

We all need a break to relax from time to time, and using tools to help us can alleviate stress and increase our happiness and wellbeing. When speaking with a specific psychic, they can tune into your energy and suggest which method might be best for you and how to use this tool best.

They can help us to learn deep breathing exercises for anxiety

Being able to breathe fully and genuinely is crucial in relieving our stress. Psychics can teach us various breathing exercises to help us catch our breath, slow down our breathing, or be more mindful of our respiration throughout the day so we can remain calm and peaceful.

When we are stressed, we tend to tense up our bodies, and we forget to breathe correctly. The best way to soothe ourselves is to calm the nervous system. Psychics can help you during the reading by using breathing techniques to help center you and refocus your energy positively. They work with you by breathing to relieve anxiety, and they do this energetically while speaking with them.

They can help you write affirmations for relaxation.

Sometimes we need reinforcement that is conscious of easing into our subconscious mind. Psychics can help you write affirmations, mainly for calming thoughts for anxiety. They can assist you through hypnosis or by guiding you through an affirmation meditation that you can use on your own afterward. Affirmations can be a great stress reliever if they go to the root of the problem and undo the negative beliefs attached to what is causing you stress.

They can offer you suggestions for calming an overactive brain.

Do you suffer from anxiety because your mind is racing, or you can't seem to focus? Psychics can tune into your vibe and get a sense of your personality. By doing this, they may suggest a movement meditation or work through your anxiety creatively with a calm coloring book like the ones that have mandalas. They may even suggest a short visualization meditation that can help you center yourself during any stress-inducing event or moment in which you need grounding.

They can soothe you by the sound of their voice.

Many psychics who excel in their profession have very calming and soothing voices. Sometimes, when experiencing the vibrational feeling of their voice, you may feel your stress starts to float away. Psychics with hypnotic vocals can give a very healing guided meditation to relax the mind.

If you love having sound soothe you, ask your psychic about what kind of calming binaural beats might be best for you to listen to in times of stress. Music is another excellent way to relax an overactive mind, and it can also shake out trapped emotions within your cells. Find the right megahertz for you and listen before you go to sleep at night or when you need to relax and unwind.

They can perform a healing meditation with you.

Another great thing a psychic can do for you during your reading is to work in tandem with you and your energy in a psychic meditation. This type of meditation can be a form of reiki or a skill that they psychic has developed to help transfer positive energy into your field and transmute any negative energy around you. Working with psychics using these methods can give you relief, but be aware that sometimes removing blocks can later trigger other issues that were held down deeper. Ask your psychic first about the challenges you may experience afterward and make sure you have strategies in mind to assist you in moving through any energy bubbling up when you aren't able to reach them at any given moment.


There are many methods and ways psychics can help you relieve anxiety during a psychic reading and give you advice and tools to help you when you are by yourself. Making sure you have a plan in times of stress can also be one of the best strategies for relieving your anxiety, for you have taken action to improve your state of mind. 

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