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Am I Psychic? : Insights from Mystikangel

One of the most popular questions I am asked is, "Am I psychic?"

My answer is always YES!

Everyone has some degree of psychic abilities because we all have the most fundamental component, energy. In fact, every single day, we use this energy to read people, situations, and objects. No matter where we go, we read the energy around us, even if we don't realize it. Think about how many times you have a "gut feeling" about someone you just met. Somehow you knew by the feeling you felt that this person was bad news. You may have even experienced the opposite of another person who you felt was very loving and compassionate.

Soulmates often find each other because of their instant recognition of each other. How can that be? Energy. Let's take a satellite, for instance. Satellites will receive information from a particular source and then transmit that information to somewhere else by using invisible signals called electromagnetic waves. These waves carry valuable information from one source to another.

However, in order to send energy, it must first be received.

In a sense, we are like walking satellites. Much like a satellite, we transmit and collect information through an energy field that surrounds each living thing, often called an aura. For the most part, we don't pay to much attention to the aura's around other people because there is so much energy and information to sift through.

However, sometimes someone will walk by, who will automatically grab your attention. There are many reasons for this. One reason is that we all have an inner knowing or instinct that is set on survival mode.

When danger is near, that energy is received by your aura, and then your aura sends an automatic response to your brain that say's "caution." Some people, however, naturally project or send out a lot of energy and don't even realize they are doing this.

You may feel overwhelmed when your around these people and just feel the need to walk away. You may encounter someone who recently went through a traumatic event, and you may feel severe sadness when you're around them.

Sometimes people have collected so much energy from other sources, that the energy they are sending out is a collection of multiple energy trapped from several sources that were collected and never released or cleared from the aura. With many of these people, you may feel either nothing at all because the energy is blocked, or you may feel a whole array of emotions all at the same time that makes absolutely no sense.

Regardless of the reasons, this receiving of energy is part of your biological system and is a crucial way to understand the information around you.

We discussed receiving energy now. We will consider projecting energy. This is basically the same as receiving energy but in reverse. When you send out energy, you are sending energy out to other people or in the world. Unless you usually project a lot of energy, chances are the things you project more strongly will be heightened emotions.

It's often not a conscious thing you do, but you can usually tell what kind of energy you are sending out by the way other people react to you. For example, say you just got into an argument with your boss. When you walk out of the office, do your co-workers come up and ask, are you ok, or do they back away and walk three cubicles away to avoid you?

By noticing other responses to you, you can easily judge what energy you are projecting and how much of it you are sending out. If it is not what you want to transmit into the world, you can easily change that energy consciously by clearing that energy away from you or programming that energy.

Programming energy is straightforward. You can visualize an energy source that symbolizes the type of energy you want to project, such as a saint, etc., by drawing that energy to you and imagine it going through you and outward into your aura. You can program the vibrations within you by visualizing it around you and saying "peace" out loud. The most effective way is really to work on in the inside because the aura often reflects and manifests what is within.

Psychics are typically more sensitive or aware of the energy they receive around them and have learned to read the energy they receive. Healer's often project the healing sensations needed to heal effectively by changing the vibrational structure of the ailment of the body.

Each person is different, so how they receive and interpret this information will also be different and unique to each person according to many factors such as interest, thought patterns, biology, and beliefs, to name a few. This is why you can have several different readings from several different psychics, and some information will be the same, and some will be different.

Essentially, heightened intuition is a part of our DNA, and everyone has the ability to develop and heighten that intuition. The question isn't whether or not you are psychic, and the question is how you interpret the psychic energy you receive.

Psychic Mystikangel

I am a real Psychic Empath, clairvoyant, and Clairaudient. For your psychic online reading, I can offer you an Angel Tarot Card Reading. If you select me as your online psychic, I will receive information quickly, and deliver the information in a direct yet compassionate manner. 

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