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Are You Caught in the Matrix? Inspirations from Psychic Shira

Bright Greetings,

Welcome to my new and returning readers. Thank you for liking, subscribing, and sharing. It is a joy connecting with you. I can be reached at extension #1093 for your life-changing reading.

I want to talk about the Matrix and the Jewel Net; we will only look at these two levels; for now. There are more, but that is for a later offering. The Matrix is the framework that keeps us trapped in the mundane, day-after-day, everyday-feels-the-same energy. You know you are in the Matrix when you wake up and ask yourself, "what day is it? What have I accomplished? Have I actually progressed in my life?"

If you see others progressing around you, growing, thriving, evolving in their lives, and you honestly feel that you have missed the memo, you are not alone, my friends! You are caught in the Matrix, which is designed to keep you where you are. Let's talk about the Jewel Net: The Jewel Net is the upper vibrational frequency that links all lightworkers and healers.

As a lightworker and healer of over 46 years, I have learned that to break free, I must let go of several pivotal beliefs in my life:

1. Potential: When you look at the opportunities around you, whether it is a relationship, business opportunity, or whatever may be in front of you, look beyond potential. You must see what is really in front of you. The number one reason people find themselves in dead-end relationships is that while the potential was there, it was never actualized. You cannot imagine the number of broken heart stories I have heard in my career. "I saw their potential. That is why I married/dated them." If you seem to demonstrate genuine talent, and the willingness to invest in sweat equity, then you have something! If all you hear is the potential, and how "I got you babe" and what sounds like hollow promises, open your ears! Look beyond the illusion of potential. Invest your time and energy wisely.

2. Discernment: See your life clearly. Take an honest assessment of where you are and what or whom you choose to have in your life. You are as good as the people with whom you associate yourself.

3. Have a chain of accountability: Having sisters and brothers who keep you at a high vibration and offer your honest and loving feedback is key to staying free of the Matrix. I am blessed to have friends that will offer me their genuine and caring assessment. They have helped me be ethical, kind, and make solid decisions that aid in my growth for many years.

4. Be mindful of the legacy you are cultivating; Progress is a multi-generational representation. Let's use the civil rights movement as an example; we do not have the rights we have now because of one person. It has been a cumulative effort. Many have stood up for what is right, even in the face of peril and controversy. They were willing to stand for the unpopular position so that all could benefit in the long run. As a legacy energy healer, the women in my family before me, going back to my great great grandmother. Each generation is passing the legacy of healing through the practical and verbal teaching format. My daughters are more aware and gifted than I was, building on the family gifts and legacy.

5. Have a Gratitude Practice: If you are grateful for every moment and lesson, or daily work to connect to this, the Universe opens up before you in the ways you need. Now I said need, not necessarily WANT. This leads to my next point.

6. Set your limiting narrative aside: When you permit what is to the best and highest good to manifest, rather than your limiting vision of how it "must" look, you are progressing. I have learned that when the ego (every gaslighting opportunity) gets involved, you and I have stepped out of flow or synchronicity. When you are in flow, the solutions are always around you, but you have to see outside the narrative to utilize them.

7. Get enough rest and take care of your body: Yes, this has to be on the list! When you are well-rested, eating a healthy diet, taking your supplements, getting out in nature, getting regular holistic or medical care, you really are in the place to maximize the benefits that spirit has ready for you. You NEED physical vitality to live a whole and vibrant life. If you ask for the sun, moon, and stars but only have the energy to reach the fence, you cannot expect to progress very far.

8. Listen to binaural beats or healing frequencies: You are raising the Matrix of your personal energy through sound and frequency. If you want to know what frequencies to absorb, you can check with a Vibrational Medicine Specialist through a simple consultation. You will know it when you are in the Jewel Net, for you will feel the shift. You will have more energy, focus, and more importantly, can say no to people or situations in your life that do not resonate with you. You will see things more clearly, and your intuitive self will awaken. Honor these feelings, even if they feel foreign at first.

Thank you for this time together. I love you, and I believe in you.

In Divine Truth and Love,

Psychic Shira

Shira is available for online psychic readings at MeetYourPsychic at extension 1093. 

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