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Blue Auras and How They Are Special

Have you ever wondered what an aura means? We all have auras. Animals, insects, and all living things have an aura, and our auras help connect us in various ways.

Not everyone can see your aura, but we can instinctively get a strong sense of it, even if not by eyesight. A person's aura helps others to intuitively understand your personality, mood, and wellbeing. An aura can even help alert people if you are in danger or a danger to others.

Some people can sense the color or tone of a person's aura in their peripheral vision. With practice and guidance, anyone can learn to read auras and decipher someone's true personality and intentions. 

Spiritual Meaning and Significance of an Aura 

The perception of people's energies and intentions can be seen as spiritual by a person's aura. Most people's auras will change throughout a person's lifetime. They typically will not be the same color, and often, you will find auras that are more of a rainbow blend of a few colors as people are often in stages of transformation. If the person has experienced trauma, you may also notice their colors may be muddy or darker or grey in several areas. This is especially true nowadays as we are dealing with a lot of shared trauma from the pandemic.

Keeping your aura clear is exceptionally beneficial to your spiritual and mental wellbeing. The spiritual significance of this practice is to benefit your body, mind, and soul in keeping you centered and fully present in your daily life. You can always sense, if not see, when people's aura energies are out of balance as they are often not fully grounded and come off as scattered.

Cleansing your aura daily is essential to stay spiritually healthy as well as physically healthy. When we bring other people's energy into our field, we risk muddying up our energy and aura. Many techniques and psychic practices can help you cleanse your aura as often as you need it.

Energy balancing and grounding exercises such as Qigong, yoga, and meditation can help to clear out unwanted energies in your aura fields. This also includes chakra balancing and using Reiki, which is best known as a spiritual energy healing practice. Taking an active role in using these techniques and rituals can help you stay balanced and readily experience mindfulness. Some people practice smudging or essential oils by applying them to the skin or using it in a diffuser. Whatever methods work for you and are in alignment with your spiritual beliefs will assist in keeping your energy clear and bright.

Daily positive affirmations also help clear and cleanse your aura, and you can use these throughout your day or at the beginning of or end of your day. One simple one is I clear out my aura field. You can say this repeatedly throughout your day whenever you feel imbalanced and have interacted with someone whose presence made you uneasy.

Using visualization techniques combined with these techniques is also a great way to clear your aura field and mind of negativity. To use your mind's eye to visualize clearing your auric field, transforming the color, or releasing negative blockages, can help keep your energy positive as well as your thoughts and actions.

Some people also wear protection crystals that help them shield themselves from negative energy and make sure their auras are constantly cleansed. Suppose you are a natural Empath or someone highly sensitive to other people's energies and negative emotions. In that case, finding a bracelet or necklace that works to cleanse your aura continuously may be a solution to look into for you. 

Basic Aura Meaning and Personality Traits of Various Auras 

Every aura emits a specific color or a rainbow of colors. Each color has a primary meaning and value that tells others more about the person and where they are in the personal soul journey. Psychics more readily see them, but anyone can sense them even if you can't visibly see them.

A person with a red aura may come across as very energetic and centered, especially when their aura is solid and pure. If it is muddled or there are breaks in their aura, they may be experiencing a period of unrest or burnout. People with this aura can also become highly competitive if they don't keep themselves grounded.

A thoughtful, yet adventurous soul may have a vibrant orange aura surrounding them. There is a lot of zest and positive energy emitting from this aura, meaning that people may be drawn to them for this reason.

A yellow aura will signify friendliness as well as imaginative impulses. People will be drawn to this person as they will find themselves in the center of creative activities and even lead others. Often, they serve as a beacon of joy and new beginnings.

The most nurturing aura is green. People emitting a green aura are highly sociable and gifted with the art of communication. When people feel the need to be listened to and heard, they will seek out those with a green aura as they are typically good listeners.

People with a genuine blue aura tend to be the healers, often intuitive and able to be open-minded and instinctual to solving problems. They are highly spiritual and deep thinkers. People often seek them out for spiritual counseling for their strong communication skills. You may often find people with blue auras working as therapists or even psychics.

The indigo auras are for those with a gentle nature, curious, and connected to the Universe at a higher level than most. They tend to be compassionate souls, even Empaths, and may or may not choose a path towards healing others. Those with an indigo aura are drawn to the mysteries of the Universe and do much soul searching.

A violet aura is someone deeply connected to nature and all of the spiritual realms. These spirits will be wise and seek an independent lifestyle outside of the expected norms. They may be viewed as elders or hermits, and they spend most of their time in intellectual pursuits.

When you see people with a combination of these colors, or a rainbow aura, this is someone going through a transformation. The most predominant of those colors will be the ones that are balancing themselves. Rainbow auras are highly common as most people are going through some spiritual transformation.

The Chakra Connection to Auras 

It is said that each chakra is connected to one or more of your aura colors. Starting from your crown chakra, white or silver is the color associated with this absolute layer. The absolute layer comes from the top of your head and is the totality of your aura and all that you are in your most authentic form.

Your third eye chakra is said to reflect the colors of deep purple and/or indigo. This is known as your intuitive layer, and you can generally sense it in the middle of your forehead. The third eye chakra is often referred to as the "seat of intuition," as this is where you harness your intuitive energy.

Blue vibrates from your throat chakra (fifth chakra) whenever you speak or communicate. Your inner truth resides in this layer connected to your Etheric body. This layer is significant because it connects you to both the physical and spiritual world. It is key to self-expression.

In the middle of your chest is your astral layer, otherwise known as your heart chakra. It is a vibrant green. How you live your life, and the guidance you seek is prominently displayed through this chakra. This is also said how you project yourself into the world in a physical and spiritual sense.

The chakra in the middle of your stomach is your solar plexus chakra and shines a bright yellow. This is the seat of your emotions and where you harness your ability to interact with everyone in your life. This is the most instinctual part of your chakra system and the most reactive and can be the hardest to master.

The navel chakra is right by your navel and emits an orange color. This layer is often referred to as your sacral layer, and it is the seat of your creativity and sexual energy. It is the seat of creation.

The root chakra, which is represented by the color red, connects you to the Earth and grounds you. This is the physical layer of your chakras and keeps you grounded in the physical realm.

How is a Blue Aura Different From Others? 

You may now be asking yourself does a blue aura has a particular spectrum of value that makes it stand out. Blue aura people are distinctive in the way they toggle between both the physical and spiritual realms. The aura meaning here is very clear-headed and calm rationality that comes with a blue aura. People with these auras tend to be very insightful and open to receiving all kinds of information. In essence, these individuals are susceptible to the world around them and within and beyond ordinary sensibilities. A blue aura personality is one of a relatively calm nature.

Spiritual energy is drawn to those who emit a strong blue aura. This type of electric shade tends to illuminate creative energy, so people who are poets and artists will emit this color. Individuals who cast more of a turquoise blue tend to be healers and highly intuitive psychics. Those with indigo blue tend to be spiritual thought leaders who help people heal through speech and inspirational dialogues. Sky blue auras tend to be very good at channeling and meditating and can help people connect with their inner truth and guidance.

Everyone with a blue aura will attract many spiritual beings, both positive energy and negative energy. Often, all shades of blue auras will be surrounded by orbs. People who are highly sensitive to blue aura colors need to be mindful of the energies they attract and learn to create healthy boundaries not to muddle up their auric field and bring on energy that doesn't belong to them. A muddy blue aura can often indicate a person cannot cleanse their aura regularly or have unhealed trauma to resolve.

Blue auras require partners with the same level of commitment to the relationship and are emotionally available and open with them. Communication is key to keeping a person with a blue aura balanced and healthy. All in all, those with a blue aura have very uplifting energy and can help lead others on their life path as they are very spiritually in tune with the Universe and their role within it. Working with people with blue energy is the key to healthy relationships and stability.


Auras are spiritual energy that each of us emits. This energy helps let others know what their intentions are and lets us know where we are in our life path. Every aura meaning is attached to specific traits and life journeys. People with blue auras attract many spiritual beings and often help people heal and find their life purpose. From dark blue to royal blue to light blue, the color spectrum of blue auras is a type of spiritual energy that helps us feel more connected to our physical reality and spiritual existence. Speaking with blue aura people can help us feel more connected to our inner truth and life paths.

Are you interested in learning more about your aura colors and aura meaning? Call us today, and we will connect you with one of our best psychics online.

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