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Can Empaths Find Love?

Yes, but it can be challenging.

Relationships can be complicated for anyone, but this can be an overwhelming task to manage for an Empath. This is for a variety of reasons. If you are an Empath or are dating someone who is an Empath, please note what we are about to share.

Until an Empath accepts who they are, they will continue to have relationship issues. Self-awareness and willingness to work on their personal development are also crucial. It comes from this awareness and acceptance that they will begin to understand their strengths and weaknesses. With this knowledge, they can then form healthy relationships with others and seek a romantic partner who is compatible and supportive of their needs. 

Empaths have big hearts. 

Empaths love and feel with every ounce of their being. When they love someone or something, they love with all of their heart and then some. They will also go out of their way to help someone in need even if they don't know them. This is a strength and weakness for them as they can become prey to narcissistic and sociopathic people.

Empaths can be super sensitive.

Because of their ability to pick up on everything, Empaths are sensitive to their environment and their people. If they haven't worked on their personal development, this can have detrimental effects on their relationships as they may not interpret interactions correctly and make assumptions that aren't true. For example, they may pick up on someone else's anxiety and apprehension and personalize it when those feelings may not have anything to do with them. Empaths need to let go of emotions that do not belong to them and release energy transmitted to them that is not in their best interest.

Empaths can have unhealthy boundaries. 

This is an extension of having a big heart and being super sensitive to their environment. Empaths need to learn to shield themselves from others' energy and control what they are submitting around them. When an Empath doesn't control their energy field, they can drain their psychic energy and drain others, in some cases. Learning to say no on all levels of their livelihood is key to their emotional health and the health of any relationship they may try and develop.

Empaths need more alone time than others. 

In a relationship, this is vital for both partners to understand. Empaths need more alone time to allow themselves to process and replenish their energy. This means they will need time away to recharge themselves, which can seem confusing and counterproductive in developing relationships with others. The key is understanding the quality of time and the quality of what an Empath gives within their capacity. Being mindful and supportive of this will help a relationship with an Empath succeed rather than fade away.

Who are the best possible romantic partners for an Empath? 

The best possible partners for Empath come down to three categories: opposites, other Empaths, and old souls.

The opposite is someone who will be more rooted in intellectual and analytical thinking rather than emotion-based. This relationship dynamic comes with challenges but also comes with a lot of growth for both sides. The vital element of success within this dynamic is that the opposite accepts the beliefs and spirituality of the Empath. Without this acceptance, the relationship will not be long-term.

Other Empaths understand each other on a deeper level than others. Of course, this relationship dynamic has challenges too. Empaths need more support and space, and two Empaths in a relationship may find that they ironically do not get the help they need from each other because they need to think of themselves first. Otherwise, without balance, two Empaths in a relationship can also turn as a spiral downwards.

Old Souls tend to be the best partner for an Empath. These are people who are spiritually and emotionally mature and can weather the storms along with the Empath. For an Empath to find someone who is the right kind of Old Soul, it is rare and typically doesn't occur until later in life after lessons have been learned and karmic debt released.

Are you an Empath looking for the best romantic partner for you? Feel free to contact one of our expert love psychics for a psychic reading today. 

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