Sun Sign Compatibility
These two Sun signs are reactive in general, and possibly more so when together. However, their connection can spark interest that generates into wanting to get to know one another more. There is much to learn from one another if they are both willing to listen and let go of expectations.
If these two embark on a romantic relationship, there will be adversity from extended family and close friends. They will not see what attracts the Cancer to the Sagittarius and vice versa. In the beginning, each will need to establish healthy boundaries with family members, especially Cancer, who tends to internalize and not deal with negative emotions. Unfortunately, this dynamic with other loved ones often ultimately ends the relationship over time.
Modality Compatibility
Cancer's cardinal energy challenges the mutable energy of the Sagittarius. There are times when these two will inspire each other and times when they will not value each other's energy or ideas. These two also make good business partners and coworkers. Ideas flow easily and Cancer's devotion can help get any business venture off the ground, even with their tendencies towards inconsistencies.
Element Compatibility
This Water sign and Fire sign has sparks that come and go. Cancer's sensitivity can be excited and reactive to Sagittarius' impulses in both positive and negative ways. This both attracts and repels them physically and emotionally. These two will need to learn how to be in sync with each other in order to create balance.
Energetic Strengths
Creativity is the strength of this combination. Cancer's highly imaginative nature can inspire and attract the Sagittarius who enjoys the ability to explore new ideas and be creative in various ways. These two could easily be lovers for a spell, but make better coworkers or friends.
Energetic Challenges
With Cancer's quick judgment and Sagittarius' innate ability to speak too boldly, these two will definitely have communication challenges throughout the relationship. Each will need to learn how to navigate each other's impulses and emotional baggage. Other challenges will be the weight on the relationship from outside pressure especially for the Cancer who is much more traditional and family-oriented than the Sagittarius.
How to Create Astrological Balance
With patience and a sense of optimism, these two will have challenges to overcome but can make a relationship work with lots of hard work on both sides. These two work best together in a creative relationship in short term spurts. Any kind of romantic relationship will be emotionally challenging with the sensitive Cancer and may ultimately be on again and off again. Many times this is a soulmate connection, as they have much to learn from each other.