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Career Growth: Forward Momentum through your Inner Guidance with Psychic Shira

Bright Greetings,

Welcome to my new and returning readers. It is a pleasure to connect with you. Thank you for looking, sharing, subscribing, and following.

Thank you for your patience with the new Meet Your Psychic website and format, it is a significant change, and your loyalty is appreciated. I am grateful to have reconnected with each of you after the launch of the new site in the past weeks with your psychic readings online. I remain committed to bringing bright, loving, and clear messages of healing from our collective Spiritual Support Teams.

Finding the career that best fits, you can be a challenge. You second guess yourself and are afraid of being locked into a job that feeds your bank account but leaves you feeling spiritually bankrupt. Spiritual starvation is the misalignment with your work and soul's purpose. So is it possible to make great money and fulfill your purpose for being here? Absolutely! Most people, by the age of 40, have had three careers, often not associated with their college or university degree.

Trying different jobs on for size is okay! Variety is the spice of life, and see how you align with varying aspects of your skillsets, whether dormant or active, is connected to your growth. If you find yourself in the situation where you are having to work from home, or having to take mandatory leave from work, please be encouraged. What better time to explore your options on expanding your skill set, or changing to a career that brings your greater satisfaction!

Studying courses online, or working with a mentor via video messenger, Zoom, or another format is a great way to get a new sense of where you want to grow in your life. This is a time to be curious and courageous, not timid or afraid when you ask the Universe/Source/Divine for assistance it does and will show up. Maybe not in the way that you imagined. But the signs and signals will show up for you offering new and exciting directions.

Ideas will present themselves that will be from a different tangent, and your moments of epiphany will lead to you not only making the money you want but also the happiness and balance in your personal life. People and circumstances will come across your path that redirects your energy, and You will work smarter and from a more significant place of being connected to your intuitive self. So how do you begin to link to this process? As a real psychic, I will tell you that it starts by you making time each day to sit in stillness, quieting your mind, connecting to your heart, connecting to your breath, and staying calm and grounded.

By creating time for this process each day, you will begin to hear your inner voice of inspiration and intuition. When you receive it, write it down, so you don't forget it. Begin to apply this wisdom into your daily life, releasing your fears, and shifting into curiosity. "I wonder what would happen if I did change careers and follow my dreams? I wonder what would happen if I dared to ask for what I wanted in life? I wonder…? Be the intrepid explorer in your life, and begin to dust off your dreams. The time is now!

In Divine Love and Truth,

Psychic Shira

I have been in the healing and intuitive arts for 46 years and offering intuitive insight into career guidance for 30 years as a psychic reader. I work with clients from all levels, from beginning careers to well-established authors, millionaires, celebrities, and professionals with online psychic readings. Let us explore your options together, bringing forth the innate wisdom and insight that you inherently possess within yourself. The processes we use are gentle and easy to replicate on your own. Ready to dive in and thrive? Carpe Diem, my friend.

I look forward to hearing from you. I am at extension 1093. Cheers to Success & Bright Realities, Psychic Shira 

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