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Full Moon Tarot Reading For All Zodiac Signs July 2021 from Psychic Lisa Marie

During the Mercury Retrograde, which ended June 22nd, I got many calls from clients expressing that unusual and weird things were going on in their lives from all angles: love, career & family issues. When we are experiencing a Retrograde, time may seem to stand still, and nothing seems to go right. That is the Universe trying to help us go back in time and learn lessons that we may have missed along the way of our life journey.

Think of it as being in a time machine and moving backward. Many memories we would like to forget may creep upon us. They come back because of a past event, and some energy still hangs over us. It is an energy that we must get rid of so that we can continue with our journey of success & prosperity. So if you have felt this past month that you have been running yourself crazy in circles and nothing seems to be going your way, it is time to be still and discover what you are still hanging onto that is holding you back from moving forward.

What a great time for the full moon to appear, the day after Mercury Retrograde! The full moon energy helps us release thoughts, behaviors/habits, and beliefs that are not in our best interest.

This full moon tarot reading for all the zodiac signs has been created to help enlighten you with encouragement to release unwanted energies. In doing this, you will embrace more empowerment in your life.

In Love & Light,

Psychic Lisa Marie Ext.1533

Aries: 3 of Pentacles in Reverse There seems to be a feeling of disconnection with others. For some, it is a relationship; for others, it is work. Regardless, Aries, you must learn to play with others. You do not always have to be correct. Allow others to voice their feelings & thoughts, and you will begin to find unity with others again.

Taurus: 10 of Wands in Reverse Taurus, you are powerful and can be stubborn. Trust that the Universe has put people into your life to help you on many levels. Don't refuse the help. When you think that you can do everything independently and do not need help from others, you are robbing yourself and others of blessings and growth.

Gemini: 7 of Wands in Reverse Gemini, you keep going in circles trying to make things happen your way. But stop and be still. Open your mind to receiving guidance from your Angels and Spirit Guides because there is a better way. There is another solution to your situation.

Cancer: The Fool in Reverse Oh Cancer, STOP, STOP STOP!!! You are taking a new journey, new beginnings, and another chance. But be careful in your choices. Don't jump into anything too fast without thinking about all the pros and cons. Reflect on your past mistakes and think of how you can do things differently.

Leo: Knight of Swords Leo, take it easy! You have strong and fierce energy to get things done. But slow it down a bit, and make sure you have clarity before charging into something too fast.

Virgo: Death in Reverse Virgo, let it go! Replaying those scenes in your head is not helping you move forward. There is always something good that comes out of something terrible. Take the good and let go of the bad. In letting go, things will get better, and your energy will be alive with warmth.

Libra: 8 of Wands in reverse Libra, stop being so stubborn! You are being urged to prepare for movement, a new journey, a fresh start. But you are refusing to be open to this new beginning. Much of it is from fear of losing control. Don't worry. Your Angels & Spirit Guides have got your back.

Scorpio: Ace of Wands in Reverse Scorpio, it is time to think outside the box! Release those negative thoughts, and you will soon begin to get fresh clarity and ideas on a situation that has had you feeling stuck in the mud.

Sagittarius: Page Of Pentacles Sagittarius, stop overthinking and relax. You have fresh clarity on a situation, so keep it simple and open your mind to the new possibilities and opportunities that come your way.

Capricorn: Queen of Wands Don't be shy. Let it flow. Do not be afraid to move forward. You have come through many storms, and now it is time to shoot for the stars with your ideas and creativity. Aquarius: 8 of Swords Set yourself free! You have been trapped in a cage with negative thoughts and beliefs. Use this full moon energy to free yourself, and you will begin to embrace new beginnings and opportunities.

Pisces: King of Cups in reverse It is time to start thinking more about yourself. You have been spending so much time wrapped up in taking care of and worrying about everyone else. When you find some alone time, you will begin to get clarity about situations around you. 

Lisa Marie offers psychic readings, tarot readings, and astrology readings at extension 1533 at MeetYourPsychic. 

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