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Getting To Know Your Chakras By Color : Insights with Psychic Shira

Bright Greetings,

Welcome to my new and returning readers. Thank you for liking, sharing, and subscribing. It is a pleasure to connect with you.

The topic assigned to me (by my guides) is reviving your life through color. I will preface that it is an excellent idea to muscle test for your chakras, or have myself or one of our fabulous readers at Meet Your Psychic evaluate what chakra(s) needs reinforcement, realignment, or revitalization.

The one chakra that cannot be blocked is your root chakra, for that is your foundational energy center. If it is blocked, you are not alive! Frequently through my work as Intuitive, clients had shared that when their chakras were evaluated, their root chakra is blocked. Make sure you are working with someone trained to assess you correctly so that you are achieving balance rather than exacerbating any underlying health or wellness issues. 

So what is a Chakra exactly?

The word chakra means Wheel of Life (Pronounced with the CH as in chalk). There are seven primary chakras in the body from the root (pelvic region) up to the crown (top of the head). Each chakra has a color, tone, and seed sound. In most individuals, the energy within each wheel of life runs bottom to top. In a small percentage of individuals, the energy runs from the crown to the sacrum (based on my years of experience, about 15-20%).

There is no gender assignment for the anomaly of root to crown chakra energy positioning.

Let's get colorful!: To balance your chakras, wear the color that represents the chakra that is experiencing depletion. Eat food associated with the chakra you wish to effect. Take supplements geared to that chakra. Please check with your doctor or nutritionist to get the right supplement in the correct milligrams.

Wear the associated gemstones associated with the dysfunctional chakra. Place a small bag with the crystals and gemstones associated with the chakra inside your pillow and sleep with it at night.

Make a mandala out of crystals and gemstones for meditation, soak up the frequencies from the stones. Consult an aromatherapist for the best essential oils for your balance.

Muladhara/Root Chakra: Deep Red 

The literal translation for the root chakra is the base of existence. The seed sound is lam, and the tone associated with the root is middle C-C#. Having a quarter to half step variance is within normal limits for the chakras. This is the basic needs and survival chakra. It is located in the pelvic girdle and is the seat of Kundalini (divine feminine energy, literally a snake coiled within the pelvic region).

Most readers will have heard of a Kundalini Awakening, a state of complete conscious awareness, thus awakening. Gemstones are black and red tourmalines and hematite. Foods to boost vibrancy are root vegetables, eggs, meat, and other foods rich in protein. Element is earth. Frequency-396 Hz.

Svadhisthana/Navel Chakra: Deep Vibrant Orange 

The literal translation of the second chakra is where you are established. The tone association is D-D# above middle C. The Svadhisthana is where your creative energy is produced. It is also associated with Tantric practice or life. In men, the first and second chakras work intensely together; for women, they tend to function separately.

Located at the navel (belly button), it is also connected to the abdominal lymphatic system (your immune system), which aids in fighting illness (via the white blood cells) in your body. Gemstones are Carnelion and orange quartz. Nutritional associations are citrus fruits and food high in Omega three. The element is water. Frequency-417 Hz.

Manipura/Solar Plexus Chakra: Bright Yellow 

The element is fire, and the seed sound is a ram. Nutritional associated with the Manipura brown rice, bread, squash, corn. It is strongly associated with the pancreatic function (controlling metabolism and blood sugars), Tonally E - E# above middle C.

This is the "I" of the chakras, the center of your Chi (also Ki or Qui), and the chakra that helps martial arts practitioners access to power and force. This is the most problematic of the seven primary chakras for when it is out of balance. It can cause physical pathologies (bloating, acid reflux, GERD, ulcers, and other acid conditions.

Ego issues reside in the third chakra, either an inflated sense of ego or entitlement (enter the narcissist) or giving away your personal power. Gemstones associated with the Manipura are sunstone, citrine, super 7, super 8, and ametrine. Being the most complicated, it takes time to have mastery over the self, which constitutes a daily meditation practice to stay in balance with yourself, and harmony with the world around you. Frequency-528 Hz.

Anahata/Heart Chakra: Shimmering Emerald Green 

Gemstones associated with the Anahata are rose quartz, rhodochrosite, morganite, and danburite. Tonally the Anahata is F-F# above middle C. Food associated with the Anahata is herbs and super greens. The heart chakra is the WE of the chakra family. The heart itself has a similar cellular matrix to that of the brain.

The heart has cells that remember and recall. When you hear that someone is heartbroken, that is quite literally true. Since the heart and lungs are at a 1:1 ratio, panic attacks, anger, and anxiety are the emotional pathologies associated with the Anahata. The physical pathologies are blood pressure (high or low) and heart disease. The element is air.

Looking at the Anahata and Manipura's juncture, you can see how, when air and fire mixed emotions can feed each other! The energy of the heart chakra: how can I serve? How can I love more deeply? Why don't I find the love I am seeking? Frequency-639 Hz.

Vishuddha/Throat Chakra: Rich BluE 

The second most complex of the seven primary chakras. The seed sound ham, and gemstones are turquoise, blue apatite, and lapis lazuli. Nutrition for the Vishuddha is orchard fruits, coconut-derived foods and liquids, and tea with lemon and honey. The tonality of the throat chakra is G-G# above middle C.

The message of the throat chakra? SPEAK YOUR TRUTH. But do so with objective compassion for the person (s) on the receiving end. The tendency to filter what you say resides in the Vishuddha. Pathologies include thyroid disorders. Emotional pathologies are depression, uncertainty, and fear. Fear of being judged, fear of failure, fear of failure, and fear of being accepted and loved. Connect to your heart and speak your truth! Frequency-741 Hz.

Anja/Third Eye: Indigo

Connected to the pineal gland, the seat of the soul, in this fascinating energy center, you store the tapes for everything you have ever seen or witnessed.

With PSTD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder), the replaying of a traumatic event plays over and over and over again. In the vein of healing, the Anja can also help you to visualize your place of peace ad love in meditation to calm, ground, and center. Tonality-A-A# above middle C; Gemstones-Iolite, Alexandrite, Amethyst, Ametrine; Nutrition-blueberries, grapes, fruits rich in antioxidants; Seed sound- sham with the emphasis on the consonant mmm.

There is a strong correlation between the Anja and the Svadhisthana. The creativity energy is residing in the second chakra and the visual presentation in the third eye. In ancient religious history, baptism, and christenings, the third eye was covered with holy water to block intuition and open up one's energy to dark arts or sorcery. This is, of course, false, for intuition and vision are what make each of you so wonderful! Frequency-852 Hz.

Sahasrara/Crown Chakra: Vibrant Violet

The crown chakra opens us up to the higher knowledge and wisdom of the akashic records and the cosmos.

Gemstones-ellestial quartz, Herkimer diamond, charoite.
Anatomy: Endocrine and Pineal Gland; Seed Sound; Om, with the emphasis on the mmm; nutrition: Omega-three supplements, proper hydration, Frequency: 963 Hz.

The crown chakra can be correlated to quantum knowledge, meta-healing, attunements to the higher healing frequencies, and angel communication. Pathologies are associated with mental illness, Parkinson's Disease, and Seizure Disorder. To experience a full crown chakra opening and connection to Cosmic Energy, you must first ground in the root chakra.

If you would like a consultation regarding your chakras' realignment and receiving chakra balancing, please give one of the other qualified psychics at Meet Your Psychic a call or me. It is a pleasure to help you restore balance in your life. Thank you for this time together.

If you have a topic that you would like me to explore, please feel free to mention this during our time together.

I love you, and I believe in you.

In Divine Truth and Love,
Psychic Shira

Shira has been in the Intuitive Arts for over 35 years. She can be reached at Meet Your Psychic at extension 1093

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