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How To Clear And Activate The Power In Your Root Chakra

The Muladhara Chakra is the energy point in your body that governs your foundation. Mula means root, and Adhara, translated from Sanskrit, means support or base. If you are building a house, you first pour a solid foundation. If you desire to heal from past wounds (either this lifetime or past lifetimes), the Root Chakra (commonly called in the West) is the logical place to start. In order to balance and activate your Root Chakra, it is essential to understand what it affects, how to clear out toxic energetic residue, how to communicate with this energetic point, and how to reconnect your Etheric Body to the Earth to function in this physical realm efficiently. Let's explore the Muladhara Chakra together!

The Root Chakra is found at the base of the spine and encompasses your pelvic floor and your first three vertebrae. The Etheric Body (which is our aura that connects our physical and energetic body in this realm) is governed by the Root Chakra and therefore regulates our relationship with the physical world. Worldly functions such as trust, stability, organization, presence, feelings of safety, and security begin in the Root Chakra. When our Root Chakra is blocked, it can be challenging to function in this physical plane.

If you have a difficult time being "in the moment," or you struggle with trusting yourself, the Universe, or others, your Root Chakra may be blocked. Some other signs that your Root Chakra needs to be cleared are disorganization, you can't make decisions, anxiety, continually attracting people into your life who are not safe (abusive, manipulative, or controlling), and feeling like you are going in 27 directions all at the same time.

A blocked Root Chakra will show up in your physical body in the following ways: eating disorders, colon and bladder irregularities, and leg or feet dysfunctions. If you suspect that your Root Chakra is blocked, there are several ways to clear and ground it. Although you can clear your Root Chakra on your own, receiving a reading from an online psychic will provide guidance on what specific steps will benefit you the most.

One of the most effective ways to ground your Root Chakra is to walk barefoot through natural grass. (I'm in Vegas, so I have to clarify - you must walk barefoot on natural grass, Syngrass will not balance your Root Chakra). If you don't have access to natural grass, hug a tree, or put your feet into sand or dirt. Any interaction with nature will provide your Root Chakra balance. Incense and essential oils are also powerful tools to clear out stagnant energy. Some of my favorites that speak directly to the Root Chakra are Black Pepper, Sandalwood, Frankincense, Cedarwood, and my absolute fave. : Patchouli. You can burn the incense, use a few drops of the EO in your diffuser, or even put a few drops directly on your lower spine (make sure to mix the essential oil with a base oil, so you don't burn your skin). Once you have cleared the Root Chakra, it is time to activate it!

Mantras, crystals, and the use of color are three tools that you can use to activate your chakras. Once you have cleared the energy in your Root Chakra, meditate using the sound LAM (laum). You can either speak it as a mantra or listen to this equalizing sound. Using LAM (laum) will plant the seed of balance so that you can begin to build your firm foundation. I find that wearing red (the color of the Root Chakra) and placing specific crystals near or on my meditation table are helpful as well.

Some crystals that will activate the Root Chakra are Jasper, Red Tiger's Eye, Black Onyx, Smoky Quartz, Ruby, and my son's personal favorite, Black Obsidian. Keeping a crystal in your pocket throughout the day that you can touch when you feel anxious can help you maintain the relief that you feel post-meditation. Remember, the goal is to clear out toxic energy and reconnect your Etheric body to the Earth so you can function in this physical realm. Taking a moment to feel the energy from your favorite crystal is a fantastic way to reconnect with Mother Earth.

If your work setting is such that you cannot wear red or keep a crystal in your pocket, keep a 432MHZ recording on your phone. Mother Earth resonates at this frequency, and she is the most powerful healer in this realm. If you start to feel discombobulated, step into a hallway, the lunch area, or even the restroom and claim one minute to close your eyes and listen to this frequency.

If you work with this sound at home (especially while standing barefoot on natural grass), you will be surprised how quickly it can ground your energy when you are out and about. To further activate the energy flow, place your left hand (receptive) palm up in front of you to receive the energy and your right hand (giver) on the base of your spine. If you want to go even deeper, be conscious of your breathing, and use affirmations to reprogram your Root Chakra.

Let's breathe together. Take seven deep breaths to a count of seven. Breath in through your nose for seven seconds, hold for seven seconds and release the air through your mouth for seven seconds. Once you have completed a breath cycle, here are a few affirmations to say out loud.

I am worthy, and Mother Earth is watching over me.

I am organized and efficient.

I surround myself with people who contribute to my safety.

I am safe and secure.

I hear and trust my inner voice.

I experience everything I want and need, and more is on its way.

I am in the process of attracting people into my life that are trustworthy.

To live the life your soul truly intended in this journey, safety, security, and trust are all key. To step into those frequencies, you must clear and activate your Root Chakra. Incense, essential oils, grounding with Mother Earth, connecting with the frequency of 432MHZ, and reprogramming your consciousness with positive messages, are all techniques to clear and activate your Root Chakra.

Sometimes, even after you have worked with your Root Chakra, you may still feel imbalanced. If you are releasing a wound from a past life or a Karmic tie, the guidance of an online psychic or a Reiki practitioner can be very beneficial to clear and rebalance your Root Chakra. Unleash the power of your Root Chakra to experience trust, safety, and security! 

As always, if you seek further guidance, we here at MeetYourPsychic are here for you! Namaste' 

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