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How to Clear and Activate Your Sacral Chakra

The Svadhisthana Chakra is the energy point in our body that governs the relationship with ourselves and those around us. Swa translated from Sanskrit means one's own, and adhisthana means seat. So the Sacral Chakra, as known in the West, is the point of energy where trauma related to our self-perspective and perceived judgment from others is stored. To heal the Sacral Chakra, it is essential to understand what it affects, how to clear out toxic energetic residue, how to communicate with this energetic point, and how to reconnect with your soul truth. Let's explore the Svadhisthana Chakra together.

The Sacral Chakra is located just below your belly button and encompasses the lumbar vertebrae. The Emotional Body regulates emotions, relationships with oneself and others, creativity, experience and expression of sexual energy, and the inner and outer realm's interactions. When the Sacral Chakra is blocked, the communication with the Emotional body is negatively affected.

If you are experiencing detachment or an overwhelming sense of uncertainty and lack of control, your Sacral Chakra may be blocked. Some other signs that your Sacral Chakra is blocked are repressed sexual energy, sexual desires that lean towards overpowering others' free-will, fear of accepting your own sexual identity or orientation, emotional apathy, or the inability to express creativity. When your Sacral Chakra is blocked, it can be isolating and confusing, as your inner child is suppressed.

If you have a blocked Sacral Chakra, you may experience PMS, chronic fatigue, joint pain, hypoglycemia, lower back pain, and spleen dysfunctions. Many people who have blocked Sacral Chakras also experience UTI's, multiple allergies, and have a pattern of destructive and addictive behaviors. When you do not have a healthy sexual relationship with yourself, it is unlikely that you will have a healthy sexual relationship with the world around you. If you see yourself in these dysfunctions, you will be excited to know that you can create healing in your Sacral Chakra. If, after clearing your energy, you are still feeling blocked, a reading with an online psychic or a Reiki Practitioner can assist you in shifting your energy towards healing.

Clearing and grounding your Sacral Chakra can be a fun and freeing experience. Yoga, walking in nature, and standing in dirt, grass, or sand can activate this vital Chakra. Dancing, especially belly-dancing, or other forms that focus on the hip area are especially activating. Creative experiences such as coloring, painting, and creating pottery will help unleash repressed energy in the Sacral Chakra. Any interaction with creative experiences will awaken the Sacral Chakra.

Burning incense or essential oils is also beneficial. The type of essential oil that will be helpful is dependent on whether your Sacral Chakra is dampened or overactive. While ylang ylang will calm an overactive Sacral Chakra, spicy cardamom will awaken the sleeping giant. Once you have balanced your Sacral Chakra, sandalwood, and my personal favorite sweet orange is a fantastic maintenance choice. You can use these essential oils in a diffuser, place a few drops right beneath your belly button (make sure to mix the essential oil with a base oil, so you don't burn your skin), or my favorite, add a few drops to a warm bath.

Crystals, mantras, and color are three tools that you can use to activate your Sacral Chakra. Once you have cleared your Sacral Chakra, meditate using the sound VAM (vaum). Some people find it helpful to use this sound like a mantra, and others receive more benefit from listening to this sound while meditating. Utilizing VAM (vaum) will open the Sacral Chakra so that you can begin to explore your sexuality and creativity healthily. I find that wearing the color orange (the Sacral Chakra) and working with particular crystals create further balance.

As the Sacral Chakra governs different energetic spaces, the type of crystal you should choose will depend on what you are trying to achieve. If you desire to increase your motivation or courage, work with Goldstone or Sunstone. Orange Calcite is a direct pathway to increased creativity, and Tiger's Eye is my go-to for strengthening my mind, as it relates to our creativity and sexual energy. Carrying the appropriate crystal in your pocket can be very helpful, especially if you know that you will be walking into a situation that tends to challenge your ability to express your real creativity or sexual energy.

If carrying your crystals or wearing orange (not everyone looks good in orange) is not an option for you, keeping Sacral Chakra sound bites on your phone can be beneficial. 606 Mhz is a powerful sound to clear out past wounds. This is recommended to be used when you are in a safe and secure space, as it can be emotional to release wounds that reside in your Sacral Chakra. Once you have released past injuries, using the 480 Mhz sound to fine-tune your Sacral Chakra throughout the day will enable you to stay in tune with your creative energy and inner child. Even just one minute of listening to this frequency while focusing on your breath can reset your energetic space to one of balance.

Before dancing or creating art, you can further activate the energy flow by placing your left hand (receptive) palm up in front of you to receive the energy and your right hand (giver) three fingers below your belly button. If you want to go even deeper, be conscious of your breathing, and use affirmations to reprogram your Sacral Chakra.

Together let's create healing through breath and affirmations. Breathwork is most effective in seven-second increments. Breath in through your nose, hold, and then release, each to a count of seven. Once you have completed a breath cycle, here are a few affirmations to say out loud.

My inner child is valued and is invited to come out to play.

(Say this out loud: My inner child is valued and is invited to come out to play.)

I am in tune with my sexual energy and express myself in a healthy manner.

(Say this out loud: I am in tune with my sexual energy and express myself in a healthy manner.)

I am engaged in my life and feel joy, inspiration, and creativity.

(Say this out loud: I am engaged in my life and feel joy, inspiration, and creativity.)

I am a healthy sexual being, and I am proud of who I am.

(Say this out loud: I am a healthy sexual being, and I am proud of who I am.)

I accept myself as a sexual, creative being, free from self-judgment.

(Say this out loud: I accept myself as a sexual, creative being, free from self-judgment.)

I protect my sexual energy, recognizing that I can heal from any trauma, past or future.

(Say this out loud: I protect my sexual energy, recognizing that I can heal from any trauma, past or future.)

My sexual orientation and gender identity are my true nature. I accept myself wholly and without judgment.

(Say this out loud: My sexual orientation and gender identity are my true nature. I accept myself wholly and without judgment.)

A healthy relationship with one's sexuality and creativity are critical for a balanced life in this realm. To tap into this balanced space, clearing and activating the Sacral Chakra is vital. Essential oils, moving your body (especially your hips), connecting with nature, and interacting with the 606 and 480 Mhz can be life-changing.

If you have awakened this chakra but still feel a bit disconnected, working with an online psychic or a practitioner that offers energy sessions can be just the experience that your soul desires. Clear and activate your Sacral Chakra to experience sexual freedom, heightened creativity, and a deeper connection to your inner child. 

As always, if you seek further guidance, MeetYourPsychic is here for you! 

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