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How To Keep A Daily Affirmation Journal

There are many benefits to keeping an affirmation journal for your soul growth. Affirmations are at the heart of our transformation. They help us come into alignment with our life purpose and goals. They also help us heal old wounds and release negative beliefs. Journaling helps us to keep track of our progress, be mindful of our resistance, and help us be accountable. When we practice daily affirmations, we raise our vibration and connect with our higher selves for our best interest.

An affirmation journal can take many different forms, and it really depends on your personal preference. You may find a store-bought journal to your liking. Others like to use a three-ring binder so they may replace and add pages. Some people enjoy journals without lines so that they may express themselves artistically within the pages. It is really up to you to decide what works best. 

Keep it by your bedside 

The most practical tip is to keep your affirmations journal by your bedside. This way you can use it in the morning and when you go to sleep at night. Some people like to write out their affirmations every time. Others want just to recite them in the morning and write them out before bed or vice versa. By keeping it by your bedside, you will have easy access to it as a reminder. Your subconscious mind will start to integrate your affirmations more readily, and you will find that it becomes more comfortable as a habit rather than a chore.

Carry it around with you 

You can also carry it around with you during your day and refer to it. Sometimes people like to practice or re-read their affirmations during stressful times of the day. This helps remind them of what they are trying to resolve or accomplish when faced with obstacles or internal struggles. One approach is to have a journal you keep by your bedside and another to carry around with you. It doesn't control everything in one place, but it does help you keep track of where you experience resistance at the moment rather than reflecting at night or in the morning. Practicing the dual method of journaling can also make you more aware of your patterns and when and how they occur.

Add art and keepsakes to it 

As mentioned earlier, some people like to have a journal with blank pages to express themselves creatively. Some want to take this up to another step by adding art to it, such as keepsakes and mementos that they find or create. Doing this can make the journaling process more fun and is especially helpful for people who have issues trying to develop a daily habit of working with affirmations. The artistic part of this can also help your subconscious mind process the affirmations more clearly and provide you with insights into resistance and areas of inner healing that need paid attention to and resolved.

Journal your thoughts 

With a daily affirmations journal, you have the opportunity to write out your thoughts and not just your affirmations. This allows you to integrate the wisdom of these affirmations and speeds up change. It can also serve as a stress reliever when resistance and conflict appear for you. Taking these insights and creating solutions such as rewriting ones not working for you or doing inner healing exercises to help you remove any obstacles or trauma can lead to a leap in spiritual growth.

Communicating with your higher self and your Spirit Guides can also take place in your daily affirmations journal. You can directly ask to receive information from them to help you in your goals and be open to receiving feedback in whatever way your Guides feel is best for you to listen.

Do you need clarity on writing positive daily affirmations? Feel free to reach out to any of our expert psychics specializing in life purpose. 

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