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How To Nurture Your Inner Psychic Abilities

When you begin the journey to develop your psychic gifts, you begin to awaken all the possibilities within yourself.

Your intuition is the key to the road map of your life path. Suppose you want to understand your purpose in life, taking time to get in touch with your inner psychic. It will make that process much easier and enjoyable.

All these skills take time and to sense, feel, nurture, and grow. Some skills will develop easier and sooner than others. Some will never develop, and some will be one of your most significant assets once you start tuning them in and playing around with them.

Our best version of ourselves emerges through our intuition and connection to the Universe. Here are some steps to help you grow spiritual with your inner psychic. 

Meditate and Ground Yourself 

Learning to engage with your breathing and centering are essential in communicating with your inner psychic. Meditation is one fundamental way to ground yourself, love yourself, and become self-aware and know yourself.

Find a meditation that works for you. Meditation is not a one-size-fits-all approach. Some do very well with the traditional method and sitting, closing eyes to sense, then meditating. Others need more creative techniques like walking meditation or self-hypnosis. Writing, reading, and creating art can also be a meditative experience. Whatever helps you gain clarity, insight and heightens your state of mind towards mindfulness is what you want to explore and build upon.

Boundaries and self-care are also a considerable part of grounding yourself. You will find that if you are mindful of your personal and energetic boundaries, you will be able to focus your inner psychic energy to work for you instead of against you. Making sure you are taking proper care of your mind and body will also help you stay present at the moment and allow your inner psychic abilities to come to the surface healthily and playfully.

Focus on Self-Discovery and Personal Growth 

The next phase to develop your psychic gifts is to focus on your personal growth and development.

Doing your shadow work will help clear out anything that is holding you back and help you grow. It will help you love and integrate all of yourself. All of us have a dark side that we don't want to see. Once we engage with this hidden aspect of ourselves, we can begin to see and interact with others with clarity. Often, our shadow is what we intensely dislike (or believe we dislike) about others. Take time to reflect on this part of your life and see how you can begin to have compassion for that part of yourself.

Once we learn to embrace ourselves for who we are entirely, we begin to step into the vibration of unconditional love. This vibration enables us to connect with others on a deeper level, especially Spiritually. Compassion and empathy must start with ourselves, and it is one of the most essential keys to working with your inner psychic.

Further action steps: 

  • Learn to work with your chakras
  • Explore your energy field and aura
  • Work with affirmations and vision boards
  • Heal your trauma and generational curses
  • Read books on psychic abilities and spirituality
  • Read biographies of other psychics and mediums
  • Explore dreamwork and symbology
  • Attend seminars and classes on spirituality
  • Volunteer

Connect with Psychics  

Grow your knowledge by engaging with a community of psychics. There's no better way to learn about psychic skills than to speak with other real psychics about it and learn from them.

There is only so much growth you can do on your own by reading books before you have to reach out to a community and seek further guidance. Every practicing psychic has had to take the time to work with their inner psychic before working professionally, so they are aware of some of the issues and triumphs everyone experiences along the way.

You can always find a group of psychic practitioners at spiritual centers or online networks who can share their insights and divination tools and practices with you to help you hone your skills. In larger cities, you may be able to find spiritual bookstores or events and fairs featuring psychics. Typically, this is how you will grow your community and connect with like-minded people who can assist you in your journey to bring out your inner psychic abilities.

Keep a Journal  

It's always a good idea to keep a journal of your thoughts and feelings when beginning a transformation journey. Getting in touch with your inner psychic is one you want to document and explore through written words.

For starters, you will want to have a written record of your progress and successes and obstacles and blockages that need releasing in your development of your inner psychic. This isn't just about building confidence but also building trust within yourself regarding your own intuitive skill set. The more you document and get clear on what is working and what is not, the more clarity you will gain on your progress and room for growth.

A daily practice of journaling can also gradually lend itself to pursuing the practice of Automatic Writing. This practice allows you to communicate directly with your higher self, Spirit Guides, Angel Guides, and interdimensional beings if you are open to the experience.

Connect with Your Higher Self 

Starting a daily dialogue with your higher self will deepen your psychic skills and bring out the best in you.

Daily dialogues always take on many shapes and forms. You can journal or meditate to speak with your higher self, engage in dreamwork, or even speak to yourself in the mirror as a way of tuning in and listening while heightening your inner psychic awareness. All of these ways can help you better connect with your higher self.

Sometimes though, we need to communicate in a way without words. Playing music, creating art, writing poetry are also other ways to connect with your higher self as they are meditation and can open up higher levels of awareness and dimensions. Tap into your inner psychic to find out which method is best for you and harness it daily.


Go at your own pace. Finding your inner psychic and harnessing those psychic abilities is a personal journey that you need to pave on your own. Part of the path of becoming a psychic is learning by igniting your own inner psychic and stepping into the unknown. It is expected for you to seek out advice on how to hone your abilities, but in the end, it is your intuition that will guide you the best. Your journey belongs to you and you alone.

Need help on your journey? Reach out to one of our psychics today for a consultation on how you can deepen your psychic awareness. 

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