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Looking Through The Veil : Insights from Psychic Raven Heart

Legend has long held that in the United States and other places in the Northern Hemisphere, October is when the "curtain" between our physical world here on Earth and the unseen and often hidden Spiritual realm lifts or fades. Just about the time the leaves have completely dropped from their branches, and we can see the sky, we start thinking both consciously and subconsciously about mortality and death.

Fall has a way of making us reflect on the seasons and cycles of life. Fall makes us stop and consider the process of transformation. In the tarot, the DEATH card is less about death and more about the process of seasons. What lives must die only to be reborn again come spring?

If you think about it, it is rather strange and not a coincidence that HALLOWEEN or SAMHAIN are universally celebrated at this time when the veil is thinning. Most of the year, people generally choose to stay away from challenging and sometimes difficult topics like death. Most of us don't care to dwell on loss or the idea that someday we will have to confront death, our own, or others. And yet every OCTOBER, suddenly we get excited at the thought of ghosts and goblins! So excited, we decorate our homes and yards with gory monsters and carved out Jack O Lanterns with mortal creepy eyes.

It is no accident that this is also the same time people will be FAR more likely to have REAL life experience with the other side!


As the leaves fall from their trees and slowly march toward the long days of winter, the VEIL or ethereal curtain that generally separates us from the spirit world begins to open magically. We can sense this and often find ourselves more in tune with things we would not normally perceive.

The spirits are delighted by this, as they try so hard to reach us and give us messages. They are happy when the veil thins and they can contact us much more easily! It is said that many of us will experience an increase in visions and psychic happenings at this time.

Many also report having more supernatural or "ghostly " encounters. I have noticed a steady increase in messages coming to me in strange but undeniable ways through my tarot cards and song, repeating numbers, and other symbols and strange happenings. Even the animals and birds seem to be speaking to one another about severe matters as they collect their fall goodies and prepare for a long winter.

I tend to feel more intensely struck by unseen forces or sources during this season, and suddenly everything seems and feels so much more serious and vital. Have you noticed this?

The best way to notice is to take time for quiet reflection. Just like the Jack O Lantern, we ALL can connect with source through the process of illumination! An unlit hollowed-out pumpkin has the most creepy soulless eyes until you put a candle in it! We, humans, are similar.

We have these physical bodies that will someday die, but we are LIT from the inside with the most beautiful flame! This flame is eternal, and HALLOWEEN reminds us to have a sense of humor about death. And that the thinning veil that comes with this season helps to remind us that we never really DIE. We just transition back home. And our soul or our FLAME never goes out.

Psychic Raven Heart

Call Psychic Raven Heart at Meet Your Psychic at extension 1303 if you want any tips on how you may find the best methods to tune into the spirit world at this time.

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