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Marveling Psychic Meaning Behind A Double Rainbow

Have you ever marveled at the splendor of a double rainbow and wondered about it's meaning? A double rainbow holds spiritual significance as it represents both the material world and the spiritual world together. 

We don't often see double rainbows, but they aren't as rare as one would think. Scientifically speaking, they are an optical illusion. Spiritually speaking, they are a sign from our Guides and the Universe to pay close attention to the relationship we have between the veils of the visible and the invisible.

It is easy to get lost in the path of life. Our journeys can come with it a lot of hard lessons that include karmic debt and painful growth for our own evolution. Rainbows remind us to appreciate both the rain as well as the sunshine. Both sides are needed for us to raise our frequency, and we need to embrace gratitude for both.

Many real psychics will tell you that any kind of rainbow has significance on a personal level as well as on a community level. Rainbows not only help us individually remind of us of how to see the brighter side of things, but also help tell us that we are never alone in our troubles. As we experience seeing a rainbow, we know that we are not the only ones seeing it, admiring it, trying to grasp the meaning in it, or just merely appreciating it's beauty at the moment.

If you dream about double rainbows, your dreams are trying to tell you to be more grounded in your daily life and bring your sense of spirituality into your lifestyle. This can mean adding it into your daily practice by meditating, doing self-improvement exercises, or working with a psychic reader online. It may even be a sign to pick up and learn tarot card reading for your spiritual growth.

Sometimes double rainbows are a way to remind us there is always one side of the story we do not see and that we need to be more aware of what we are overlooking. Double rainbows are layered as are our own lives and the lives of others. There is always going to be more than one version of events, one way to look at things. It is an illusion of double rainbows that brings this to light. We need to look at the whole story, visible and invisible. We need to see where it ends and where it begins. Also, we need to be open to the experience that sometimes we may be wrong in our illusions as we all tell stories to ourselves.

Some psychic readers will visualize rainbows around a particular client. This can have a lot of different meanings about that, not all of which are attached to auras. Sometimes it can signify that your guides are working together in unison to help you shift from one level of thinking to another. They may even be trying to energetically heal you so you can move forward with your life. It can also symbolize ancestral protection over many generations. When a real psychic sees a double rainbow around you, it often means there is someone who has passed that is protecting you or wanting you to be more present with your affairs. It can also mean that there is a hopeful pregnancy on the horizon.

Rainbows are also a fantastic symbol of hope and perseverance, especially during difficult times. We have been transitioning and evolving the past several years, and our minds and bodies feel this shift very significantly. Rest and reassurance are things we need both from ourselves and our Guides. If you see a double rainbow during your travels, embrace its meaning as one of hope and a sign that you are on the right path of transformation.

If you are out gardening or watering your lawn and a small double rainbow comes into the light, take that as a sign that you can communicate with your guides at that moment and don't let it pass you by. Frequently, our guides will try and chat with us while we are in tune with nature. These times are precious, and a tiny rainbow can represent a robust vibrational window of psychic connection. Ask your guides any question that is on your mind. You don't have to speak it but can concentrate on the thoughts as you stare deep at the rainbow the water has created. Soon, you should receive an answer!

When we see a double rainbow, it is a sign that our physical world and the world of spirits are working together to bring us into harmony. You may see many double rainbows in the years to come during the pandemic and after to help us with our collective trauma. Our Spirit Guides and Angel Guides want us to know they are here for us during this shared crisis. They see and hear our struggles and want to remind us what to be grateful for and to not take anything for granted.

When we collectively embrace our commonalities more than our differences, we will transcend the need to separate our spiritual lives from our physical one. They will become one existence for us all.

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