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Meet Your Spirit Guide Meditation

Spirit Guides are non-physical beings that are with us through every step of every life. They are assigned to us to help guide our Spirit through our soul lessons, hence the name Spirit Guides. Developing a relationship with your Spirit Guides can be an exciting and educational journey. Most online psychics connect to their Spirit Guides to receive messages from your Spirit Guides. However, everyone can receive direct messages from their Spirit Guides. Practice this meditation to connect with your Spirit Guides and strengthen your trust in the information that you receive.

During this meditation, you are going to receive answers to questions. You will experience smells, sounds, feelings, and sensations. Trust that everything that you experience during this meditation will stay accessible in your consciousness. Once you have completed the meditation, you can then spend a few minutes writing all of the received information.

Sit or lie in a comfortable position. Take a deep breath in through the nose and release through the mouth. Breathe in through the nose for seven seconds, hold for seven seconds, and release through the mouth for seven seconds. Repeat this seven-second breathing cycle for three full cycles. Then allow yourself to breathe in a relaxed and natural fashion, in and out through the nose. While your mind is focusing on your breath, allow your body to begin to relax. Feel your eyelids becoming heavy with relaxation. As your eyes start to close, you can feel your body beginning to drift into a space of deep relation.

With each breath, feel your body beginning to unwind. With each inhale, you notice that you feel lighter, more spacious, loose and limp, safe, and secure. Notice that with each breath, you begin to expand your energy beyond your physical body. As you begin to notice external sounds, you can feel that with each sound, your Spirit dives deeper and deeper into a state of relaxation. If you do notice any physical resistance, direct your breath to the tension and lean into the resistance. Repeat this statement out loud, "I intend to develop a strong, trustworthy relationship with my Spirit Guides."

In your mind's eye, notice a large set of stairs right in front of you. As you walk down each step, you can feel yourself deepening your relaxation. 10, 9, 8, loose and limp, 7, 6, 5, safe and secure, 4, 3, 2 feeling your body relax and your Spirit expand. 1. Now that you are at the bottom of the stairs, you notice that you are standing in front of a large wooden door. Reach out your hand and place it on the door handle. As you examine the door handle, you notice that it is a simple "S" shaped silver door handle. As you turn the door handle and step through the door, you find yourself in a large room with white walls, a ceiling, and beige flooring. In front of you is a wooden table surrounded by high-backed wooden chairs. You pull out the chair that is closest to you, and then you sit down.

You notice that light beings surround you. As you look across the table, you can see an image of your Soul-Spirit Guide beginning to come into focus. Your Soul-Spirit Guide has been walking beside you since your very first incarnation in this physical reality. They have signed a soul contract with you to continue through each and every lifetime.

As you look into your Soul-Spirit Guide's eyes, you begin to notice physical traits. Is this Soul-Spirit Guide in the form of a human? An animal? Or some other form? There is no right or wrong way for your Soul-Spirit Guide to present themselves; whoever or whatever you see is correct. Take notice of how you feel. With your next deep breath in, feel the love and acceptance emanating from your Soul-Spirit Guide. As you ask your Soul-Spirit Guide how you should address them, you receive an answer that you know in your heart is correct.

From now on, when you want guidance from your Soul-Spirit Guide, you can call them by name. When Spirit speaks to humans, often the constants are more easily understood than the vowels. You may hear "J," "S," "N," which may be Jason. You may receive a name that sounds like it is in a different language. You may receive only part of a word. Relax in knowing that how you receive this information is all in perfect divine timing. As you take your next breath, you look in your mind's eye to the left of the table.

Sitting to your left is your Lesson Spirit Guide. Your Lesson Spirit Guide is here to assist you with particular lessons that you have agreed to integrate in this lifetime. You see the outline of a shape as your Lesson Spirit Guide begins to come into focus. What colors do you see? As you take a deep breath in, notice if there is a particular smell connected with your Lesson Spirit Guides. Do you see a human form? An animal? If it is not clear, that is okay. Each time you connect with your Spirit Guides, they will reveal more and more of their appearance to you.

With your next deep breath, ask your Lesson Spirit Guide how they want to be addressed? Trust that whatever you "hear" is how you can call out to your Lesson Guide. The next time that you want to understand a situation that is related to a Soul Lesson call out to your Lesson Spirit Guide for assistance. As you take your next deep breath, look to your right.

Sitting to your right is your Purpose Spirit Guide. Your Purpose Spirit Guide is your go-to Spirit Guide when you are navigating any action, task, or decision relating to your purpose in this journey. As you take a deep breath, you can see that a shape is beginning to form to your right. What colors do you notice? Is there a particular shape? If so, is its human form? Animal? Geometric shape? What do you feel? What do you smell? As your Purpose Spirit Guide begins to take a more precise form, lean towards your Purpose Spirit Guide and ask them what their name is? Trust that whatever you receive is correct.

As you take your next deep breath, offer gratitude to your Spirit Guide Council. Celebrate that you have consciously met your Spirit Guides and trust that they will make their presence known when you reach out to them by name. As you bow your head, you notice that each of your Spirit Guides is beginning to dissipate slowly. You stand and see that the table and chairs are also starting to dissipate. You turn around and open the large wooden door and begin to climb the stairs. With each step up, you can feel that you are connecting more deeply with your body. 10, 9, 8, you feel your physical body, 7, 6, 5 you begin to wiggle your fingers and your toes, 4, 3, 2 you shrug your shoulders, and 1.

When you are ready to come back fully into your body, you will open your eyes, feeling refreshed, and full of positive energy. Your Spirit Guides are grateful that you have reached out. They are excited to be a part of your conscious journey. Once you are ready, sit up and take a few moments to journal about your experience. Your Spirit Guides are here for you. If you become uncertain of how to further your relationship with your Spirit Guides after working with your Spirit Guides, speaking with an online psychic can be just the experience that your soul desires. 

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