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Pisces : Gemstones To Amplify Your Life and Psychic Skills

Pisces (February 19 - March 20) are amiable, artistic, and idealists. They are incredibly empathic and very in tune with their emotional depths. Friendly to a fault, they can become victims when they don't put up the proper boundaries. Pisces struggle with their selfless nature and lazy tendencies but make wonderful friends when they aren't lost in their own inner worlds.

Aquamarine helps Pisces understand their place in the world and to be able to communicate that to others. When they are using this stone during meditation, it aids the Pisces in hearing their inner wisdom and clears their mind. This loving stone helps to balance high emotions and aids in assisting them to get in touch with any emotion that is repressed. Carrying this stone around helps a Pisces speak their truth and keep compassionate boundaries with others.

Because they are such idealists, they need awareness so they can be grounded. This is why Lapis Lazuli is an excellent choice for them. The energy of this stone provides them with clarity and objectivity. It also encourages Pisces' creative impulses and allows them to reveal their inner truth. It is a stone of courage and confidence and can assist a Pisces in being honest in their relationships. It also helps them with having compassion for themselves.

Kammererite provides clarity and balance for the Pisces. This clarity will take them out of their dream world so they can focus on what is before them. When the Pisces are using it in the home, this crystal can help create harmony and balance to prevent toxic relationships from forming. When a Pisces is in tune with this stone, they will be able to go with the flow and be more accepting of themselves and others.

To assist a Pisces in focusing their ideas, Fluorite provides gentle energy that facilitates their learning and memory. Because it promotes a feeling of positivity, it releases negative energy and stress within the body and mind. It is also excellent in enhancing intuitive abilities and can connect one to the universal consciousness if used during meditation practices.

Because of Pisces' innate spiritual nature, Amethyst is a lovely stone for them to work with for meditation or with a crystal grid. It enables them to trust in the Universe and their role in it and to become more in tune with their intuition. Pisces' who wish to grow their psychic abilities should use this stone as they read psychic development books. It can also help them with becoming a tarot card reader. This crystal will also help to work with any addiction issues they may have.

Clear Quartz will assist a Pisces in emotional clarity. It will amplify their intentions and will protect them against negative energy. Using this crystal will help enhance their ability to connect with spiritual realms and may magnify the vibration of other crystals. It is also fantastic at harmonizing all the chakras, so one feels centered.

A crystal grid of Amethyst and Clear Quartz will be influential in helping an Aquarius develop their psychic abilities and work with mediumship.

To provide them with the strength of courage and vitality, Bloodstone stimulates the Pisces to be grounded. It is a powerful protection stone that helps them to align with their values and goals. Its smooth energy provides insight into Pisces' idealistic tendencies and motivates them to be organized in their work and home life. Using Bloodstone during mediation will help Pisces' stay present during the rest of their day as it activates the desire to be mindful. Keeping this stone in the workplace will give a Pisces the courage to be bold and attract positive experiences with others.

Agate provides a deep sense of harmony in a Pisces life and helps them to rebalance when they have lost their way. It helps to encourage healthy relationships with others. For when a Pisces is using this stone during meditation, Agate can help them with concentrating on their ideas so they can put them into action. Wearing Agate, it can help a Pisces when danger is around them and give them clarity on how to handle toxic people. This stone also provides a sense of calmness and is terrific in helping a Pisces navigate through difficult situations while staying grounded. Carrying this stone around helps a Pisces feel the support of the Universe around them and within them.

When a Pisces' needs to be more self-sufficient, Jade comes to the rescue. Jade's protective energy, stabilizes emotional upheavals and soothes negative thoughts. It can provide the Pisces' with a connection to their inner wisdom and assist them with being more practical in their choices. Jade gives them perspective during meditation practices and around the home can help increase feelings of stability within their relationships. Keeping this stone by their bedside will help improve insights in their dreams and help them bring any creative projects to successful completion.

Finding the right gemstone for a Pisces may require a consultation with a psychic reader online who can personalize recommendations for your unique problems. 

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