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Psychics Tell You Why You Shouldn't Suppress Negative Emotions

We all experience what is considered negative emotions. Jealousy, anger, fear, sadness. These emotions are all part of our human experience and shouldn't be avoided or suppressed. We feel them for a good reason, and we should cherish them when they arise.

All emotions serve a purpose. Emotions enlighten us to how we feel and guide us to be our better selves. This includes negative emotions. Why? Because negative emotions are the catalyst that motivates us into action.

Don't be so eager to rid yourself of them when they arise. Work with them. Don't discard them. They are a part of you and should be appreciated with love and respect.

When you are angry, you need to consider the reasons why you are mad. These reasons don't need to be reasonable. You just need to be aware of them and review them accordingly. Anger can stem from a lack of communication, frustration with other people who act in ways you cannot understand, or unhealed trauma. When you feel anger, ask yourself where it is stemming from and take a deep breath. Sit with it before taking action. Sometimes sitting with our rage, allowing ourselves to breathe through it, will let us come into a peaceful mindset so we may move forward. This isn't suppression! This is allowing your anger to inform you before taking actions you might regret.

Jealousy is another emotion we often wrestle with in life, especially when it comes to relationships and careers. This emotion usually bubbles up when we least expect it, and its purpose is to expose our insecurities. When you feel jealousy coming up, please don't ignore it! As any real psychic will tell you, this is the best time to do your personal growth. Journal what you are feeling, talk it through with a psychic or meditate on it for a few days. If you don't come to terms with why you are jealous, it will pop up in unexpected ways that can hurt your relationships with others.

The most information emotion we can experience is fear. Fear has very positive aspects to us as it is a protective emotion that is meant for our best interest. Because we're in a modern age, fear has become misunderstood, and it can turn very ugly if the fear is wrapped in racism, sexism, or homophobia. Allow fear to inform you rather than control you. When you meditate on what makes you afraid, you can then take the right actions to alleviate your worries. The best response to take is to educate yourself on what is making you afraid. Knowledge is power, and wisdom learned is an action that is integrated into your being. A person who learns from fear can be a powerful and compassionate teacher for others struggling with similar concerns.

Sadness is one of the most challenging emotions to experience because we don't always know where our sadness comes from when we feel it. Sometimes it is delayed experience, occasionally through hereditary means. For example, if your ancestors experienced trauma in any means, you may feel sadness stemming from that trauma. Working with real psychics who do ancestral line healing can release some of these blocked emotional experiences that may not belong to you individually. This kind of healing transforms your entire family and not just you.

We can also experience sadness as we go through phases of life and not really understand that this is what is happening with us. An Empath can pick up on your energy and review your life path to see if this is the case. During times of sadness, it is essential to allow yourself to process your feelings. Taking long walks in nature or meditative exercise will help you release anything that is struggling in your body. Sadness can also be a part of grief, so it is crucial to allow yourself plenty of time for slow movement and rest. Sometimes sadness is a way of our mind and bodies telling us to slow down and rest.

So, listen to your emotions and let them guide you. Love every one of them as part of your being. It is through this acceptance that you will feel light and whole. 

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