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Reclaiming Your Power : Insights from Psychic Shira

Bright Greetings,

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Spirit calls me to address the topic of being the malleable supply in a narcissistic family.

If you are intuitive, finding yourself to be part chameleon, with the gift to blend in wherever you happen to be at the moment, you will understand today's topic if you were the person in your FOO (Family of Origin) that always seemed to get their needs met last or was told to be quiet when it came to voicing your feelings or viewpoint.

Perhaps there was an underlying abuse or addiction issue, or in a blended family (where two families of divorce merge), you were the unseen child or family member. You were programmed to be malleable.

The definition of malleable: to be pressed into shape without breaking.

A malleable curve is used in graphic design, engineering, and architecture to draft curves and angles. Being malleable and not being able to express yourself affects your confidence, sense of self-worth, and is destructive to your physical body. It is not uncommon to have asthma, headache, low back issues, thyroid issues, low back pain, or heart problems. The impact of feeling that you have no real value and could be thrown away is demoralizing. 


Recovery occurs when you give voice to your feelings and start to set healthy boundaries. It is time to find your spine again and to reinforce your identity. What are your feelings, needs, desires, goals, and dreams? Who are the people that are in your corner? Who are the people you need to forgive? Remember, forgive does NOT mean forget, merely that you are releasing their hold on you by sending it out from your energetic field. I have enjoyed seeing men and women recover from feeling worthless to discover their actual value for over twenty years. Your entire life will change once you realize that you can regain your power, take back what you unwittingly gave away.


"Universe, I take back the power that I unwittingly gave away to others. I forgive myself for not standing up and using my voice. I forgive others for having hurt me intentionally or unintentionally. I dissolve the cords of dysfunction now and reclaim my power. I am committed to the journey to wellness and wholeness in body, mind, and spirit. I have healthy and firm boundaries, and only have loving, reciprocal relationships in my life."

Inhale through your nose, and repeat the affirmation above, exhale when you have completed it.

Do this three times per day for 21 days (or when you find yourself falling back into old patterning). 


Go through your belongings. What do you have that reminds you of your old self? Place these items in a box and out of your sight. Fill that space with something that represents the new and healthier you.


Please write a letter to each person living or passed that treated you as a second class citizen, email it to yourself. Please read it, and release it with inhalation and exhalation. Delete the letter.


Reinforce your body through exercise, eating for your chakras. Wear vibrant colors, and let your spirit shine! Let your inner glow come through. Please check the blog under wellness and health for my guide to the chakras.


Celebrate your authenticity! Take a picture a day for 21 days as you begin transforming into the beautiful person you are becoming. You will be amazed a the metamorphosis. I love butterflies. Butterflies, in order for their bodies to expel excess fluid and for their wings to fill, have to break through the cacoon a bit at a time. It is the act of pushing through a narrow opening that reinforces their strength and balance.

You, my friends, are not unlike the butterfly.

Every struggle where you are the victor reinforces your healthy boundary. You may feel a bit off at first, for you are not used to using your voice and standing your ground. This is a normal response to your new programming. Please stay the course. Everyday interaction counts.

You are finally coming into the abundance in your life that you deserve. Thank you for this time together. You are amazing!

I love you, and I believe in you.

In Divine Love and Truth,

Psychic Shira

Shira has been in the Intuitive Arts for over 35 years. She has certifications in Vibrational Medicine, Medical Intuitive, Reiki, Matrix Energetics, NLP, Crystal & Gemstone Therapy, Mayan Astrology, to name only a few areas of her studies. She believes that love is the great healer and that each of us can be a love alchemist. Shira offers compassionately direct readings and loves working with you, her client. If you are ready for profound change in your life, please give Shira a call. Areas of expertise: Career, Legal, Family, Love, Soul's Purpose, Mediumship, Distance Healing, Crystal Therapy, Tarot, and Runes.

Psychic Shira can be reached at Meet Your Psychic at extension 1093.

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