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Sacrificing Your Education for Romance: Inspirations from Psychic Shira

Bright Greetings,

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I frequently hear in readings and consultations how you sacrifice for the sake of a relationship unnecessarily. Your education is something that can never be taken away from you, enhances your life, has a direct bearing on your self-esteem/self-worth, is a determining factor in your ability to make money, and is an essential key in networking for your personal and professional growth. Let alone, leading by example for those around you and inspiring them to rise to their best.

I did not sacrifice my education for love. I received my first degrees in my early twenties, got married, had my kids, and found myself divorced. I wanted to further my education. It was and remained a priority to me. It was challenging at times, as I was a single mother of 3, working during the day and going to school at night.

My parents and family stepped in to help me with childcare, and I did my homework after I put the kids to bed. There were times when I was bone marrow tired, and I wondered why I had to take this on. Had I lost my mind and not thought it through? Would I be able to finish? Was this harmful to my kids? Thoughts spun through my mind! I chose to set romance aside for the sake of my future and the ability to support my children at the level I envisioned.

I had opportunities arise to date, but knowing that it would interfere with my goals, I said no thank you for taking every opportunity to network, learn, and curate my financial future. I stuck with it, and I am so glad that I did. I earned it, it was mine, and I was proud of myself for having completed something essential for me, too, despite the naysayers around me citing all the reasons that I should set my dream aside.

Let's fast forward now to where my kids are as adults. They all three completed their upper-level educations. They live successfully on their own and are financially stable, responsible, and loving people. Seeing their confidence, striking out on their path armed with courage and strength makes my heart happy.

I did partner with my soulmate and the love of my life after I had completed my master's degree. It was divinely timed. I met my goals, AND I had the love of my life by my side. I sacrificed nothing, and I had it all. It would have been wonderful to know that he and I would come together on the nights that I was up past midnight doing my homework as a single Mom, but the validation did come.

Validation often arrives when you have accomplished something, running the distance under your own steam, much like breaking the ribbon at the finishing line of a race. Everyone cheers on your win! But it does lead to the question: What would have happened if I had stepped away from my education? Would I be where I am now?

You do not have to go to university to have a proper education; it can be a trade school, vocational school, or certification program. The point, my dear readers, is that YOU are investing in YOURSELF!

Please do not step away from your dreams, hopes, and goals because of a romantic pairing. The right romantic partner will support you and help you to find that balance. They will not gaslight, bread crumb, or string you along!

This is your life. Only you really know what will keep the spark of you alive. Only you know what gets you out of bed every day, eager to see the blessings of your day and life.

When you give things up for romance, a potential romance, or someone who does not support you, resentment can brew within you when things turn toxic. When you sacrifice for romance, all too often, you look back at where you could be had you stayed the course and finished out your education, or continued along the path you were on.

I am reminded of my friend (she has permitted me to share this with you). Jane was in real estate school, and she was doing well, breezing through the coursework and tests, excited for her career. Then she met Joe, and based on the potential of the romance (she was tired of being single), she put her real estate school on pause and was working at her day job and dating Joe.

She hated her day job, and the only thing that had kept her going with it was the thought of being a top-selling corporate property real estate agent. She and Joe were together for ten years, and she waited...and waited...and waited...and waited...for a proposal that never came. She and Joe broke up, and now she was not only stuck in a job she despised, but she also was still single, and she had not completed her real estate license or requirements. She had lost ten valuable years of her life over romantic potential.

Jane did go back to real estate and started from ground zero. She is now a successful high-end realtor and no longer compromises her goals or values to further a romantic relationship in her life. She has chosen to stay single, as she is now affluent financially and enjoys traveling and having her life as her own. If the right person comes along that is in sync with her, she is open to romance, but Jane has learned the value of following her truth and dreams.

She learned the hard way. Rather than compromise your dreams, goals, and aspirations, please make them a priority. They are generated from your soul's purpose, the part of you that is determined to be successful in an ethical and meaningful way. When you come from your soul's purpose, it is also about using the blessing of your skillset to be a better human and give back from the dynamic of gratitude!

I volunteer on the weekends at a youth organization. In the past few weeks, the thermometer has topped out at 115 degrees! It was so hot that the tar on the roof was melting and leaking though from the ceiling to the floor of the youth center, and the director had to call for immediate assistance as it was a safety issue.

On one of these blazingly hot days, three teenage girls arrived wearing shorts and winter hoodies. The hoodies were their boyfriends, who were meeting them at the youth center. They looked miserable. While everyone else was cooling off with the a/c, they were red, sweating, and deeply uncomfortable.

Despite the efforts of the staff and volunteers, we thought they were going to get heatstroke! The girls suffered rather than tell their boyfriends that they would not be wearing the hoodies. You and I each make senseless sacrifices for others, believing they will appreciate it. That is a perception and idea that you carry, but you have compromised for nothing too often.

You may not even be recognized for what you have done for them. Think about how you will feel 5 + years from now if you compromise or sacrifice something significant for you. Will you be glad that you did? Or will you look back at what you have missed? Every decision that you make creates your reality.

If you are living for others, you are letting others create your reality. BE at the controls for your life, and move from your true values, beliefs, hopes, dreams, and life goals. Your life will be fuller, happier, more successful, and more joyful than you can begin to imagine if you follow your soul's urge.

You are worth every bit of time and investment dear ones.

I love you, and I believe in you.

In Divine Truth and Love,

Psychic Shira 

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