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Secret Stalker? Psychic Raven Heart Reveals 7 Tarot Cards That Say You Do!

Do you ever have a sense or feeling that you are being followed or watched?

Nowadays, with so many online forums and instant access to one another's social media accounts, it easier than ever for people to follow us and spy on our lives without our knowledge. Even worse, some apps now give out our location out to people who may wish to follow us or track our movements.

Fortunately for us, the tarot will tell... Certain cards in the tarot CAN and WILL show us that we may have a secret stalker, especially when they pop up in readings together.

The following seven cards are the cards that I always see in these secretive and suspicious situations.

1. Seven of Swords- This card often pops up as a stalker card. The card itself represents a person who is sneaky and self-serving. They are generally to no good and will use any situation to further their secret agenda. This card is about betrayal and theft. They will spy to gather information to use it against you or gain something from you. This card reminds me of the proverbial " Wolf at the door," and if you get this card in a reading, you should being on alert that someone in your world is up to no good.

2. Three of Wands- This card often represents spying online or from a distance. The person does not necessarily have bad intentions, however. They may just be standing back and waiting to see what you are up to before they make a move. The picture on this card often shows someone standing on a hill or cliff overlooking the sea. This person intends to gather all of the facts on any given situation or person before coming to a decision. Most tarot readers consider this card the modern "online spying card" because it implies a certain distance and can even mean someone is very far away from the person they are looking at.

3. Page of Swords- This can sometimes be the " enemy at your gate" card. It is a card of messages, gossip, and news. The intention may be that someone wants to watch you to gather information. Often the purpose is to then spread the word to others on whatever they think they know. These people are the town tattler types and love a good story to spread. Watch what you say or post when this card pops up in a reading.

4. Moon- The moon card is a card of things hidden. This can mean someone is lurking around you unseen. They are in the shadows and likely deceiving you in some way. Often we will sense this and them but cannot pinpoint why our intuition is on high alert. When we are in potential danger, our gut knows. This card sends a solid message for you to PAY ATTENTION to your surroundings and trust your instinct that something is off. The advice is to lay low and not react until you have more information. But do not ignore your intuition, especially if you get the moon card in your readings about any particular person or situation. Deception is likely playing a role.

5. Page of Pentacles- This card often pops up in my readings in stalker situations. Most of the time, though, this person is harmless. They are a little bit obsessed with you, but not in a bad way. More likely, they are simply fascinated by you and want to learn everything they possibly can. Often the reason is they want to impress you are served you in some way. Sometimes they are so fascinated by you that they study you to copy you. This may be the kind of stalker who starts dressing like you, talking like you, and doing the same things as you. Honestly, it's kind of a compliment, even if it feels a bit creepy.

6. Devil- This card is about addiction and obsession. If this card appears, it may mean that someone believes they OWN YOU! They believe you must be chained to them at all times, and they stalk you to make sure you are not trying to run away or escape their clutches. This is a very toxic stalker and one who stalks out of jealousy and the fear of losing someone. Sometimes alcohol or drugs exacerbate this tendency in them, and they can be a real "devil" of a person to escape.

7. Eight of Swords- This card is similar to the DEVIL card. Someone wants to entrap you without your knowledge. They keep you blind and in the dark when it comes to their true intentions. The low-key gaslight their victims and slowly make them feel as though they are trapped. Alone this is not a stalker card, but if you see it with the above cards, know that this person wants to have you in their clutches and feel helpless to get free.

The tarot often serves as a way to warn us of potentially dangerous situations and people. If you sense you may be in a position where someone is stalking you somehow, definitely pay attention to those feelings! Often we KNOW when something doesn't feel right! Carefully take note of what you feel and see. Use precautions to block such people and let others know what you suspect.

If you are looking to learn more about such a scenario, I can help! You can find me here at MeetYourPsychic for a tarot reading, and together we can get to the bottom of things.

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