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Secrets of Career and Business Alignment : Insights from Energy Empress

If you were wondered if Spirit can help you with your career or major decisions in your life, the answer is an enthusiastic yes!

Contrary to popular belief, your soul did not come here just like a blank slate. You came into this reality learn, grow, express, and make connections unique to your soul's journey. The challenge is this journey is not a straightforward or simple one. Add in the tons of distractions, opposing energies, mental confusion, wounding, and fears that often bring plenty of opportunities to get off track.

If you are not happy in your current career, job, or business, it is crucial not to ignore your feelings and be sure not to just brush off nagging feelings of discontent. These could be important indicators that something is not in alignment and worth looking into what is behind these feelings. For example, there could be an adjustment that needs to change within your current work or business, or possibly you need to make a more significant change and go in a completely new direction that is in more alignment with your soul.

Here are a few reasons why it may be time for a change in your career or business:

1. What you are currently doing is not currently or no longer in alignment with your soul path

2. The environment you currently are working in is toxic in some way and limiting your growth

3. Your soul is ready to expand, and you need to push past your comfort zone

4. Another opportunity that is more in flow with who you are is waiting for you to embrace it

5. You do not see your situation clearly due to fears, energy blocks, wounding, etc.

You may have even tried to push and push at a new opportunity in your business or career only to find the door did not open no matter what you did. Or you may have fought hard for a chance only to find yourself unhappy or feeling empty despite getting the role or opportunity that you thought you wanted so badly.

Others may have been born into a family where a specific career or business was expected of you without considering what you wanted. You may have felt forced into a profession that you did not really desire because that was what was expected of you.

No one asked you what you really wanted or gave you a chance to explore other options. You may have worked in a family profession for years that you never enjoyed, just not to disappoint your family or bring shame on them.

You may have wanted to do something different, but what if you failed? What would people think? What would they say?

Spirit has a divine intelligence that can help you with any aspect of life, including your career and business. The challenge is we have been trained to only believe in things we can logically explain or are familiar with. We have also been trained to think we are separate from everything, and our feelings and emotions can be just ignored, and they will go away.

It doesn't matter what religion you are or what you believe. You may not even consider yourself "spiritual" at all. Yet, despite this, you know you are confused about what to do next, and you could use some guidance from the universal power that understands exactly where you are and where you are, and the direction your soul (the divine part of you) wants to go in.

You can choose to be a part of creating your destiny by embracing this universal intelligence through working with a medium to help decode and filter divine information to allow your path to unfold as it was meant to. You can also choose to ignore this part of yourself and continue to drift in confusion.

The choice is always yours.

I would love to help you wherever you find yourself in your life journey to help you get the clarity you desire.


Psychic Energy Empress

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