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Tarot Card of the Day: Judgement

The Judgement Card has entered your life today to let you know that you are at the cusp of a Spiritual Awakening. A time when you remember so strongly through your dreams and messages that you see while you are out in the world, begin to revive your reason for being here now.

Judgement, rather than having a negative connotation is strongly positive and encouraging. You are not only connecting to the Deep Wisdom that you have in this lifetime, but have had in previous incarnations. Standing in this place you can also see the lessons that you have already worked through and begin to understand why you have the connections that you DO in this life. The understanding of why the 'Soul Group' that you entered with in this existence, is in affiliation with you and you with them! For we are brought together to learn our lessons and for support while we grow from them. It is a lovely synergy.

This is your time to feel the ancientness of you, and to tap into this vast Wisdom that you have carried with you since the birth of your soul. You can feel your association with Spirit/Source/God throughout the ages. You can begin to clearly view the true light and shadow of your being. The shadow is the place within us that offers the greatest chances for growth and change, for it is the place of our deepest ancientness. The shadow is where the Tribal Elders and Medicine Woman/Man reside within you. Sometimes the medicine may taste bitter, but it is healing nonetheless.

The abundance of Universal Wisdom and your Akashic Records are ever present in your subconscious and now entering the field of your conscious mind. You are both awake and in dream time simultaneously, much like the Wise Women and Men throughout the ages.

Judgment has entered your life today to let you know that it is critical that you do not engage in dramas that would pull you from this re-awakening of the Soul and the Self. Exercise the Wisdom that is abundantly flowing through you like a river of healing waters. Be courageous, and make Right Decisions based on the records of the past performances of yourself. That inner knowing will feel like honey flowing through you when it is a Right decision (right decisions resonate with your truth and innate wisdom), when it is a decision that feels incorrect, it will feel like a knot in your abdominal area, you may even feel a bit queasy. Stand strong in the decision(s) that you have made, and have faith that the Vast Ocean of Wisdom that Spirit has freely given you access to, has guided you in making the correct determination(s).

Spirit wants you to begin to trust your intuition and to work from a place a true honesty of the self. The honest self seeks the outcome that is for the 'best and highest good for all involved. Spirit/Source/God are here to support you and encourage you to know your highs and your lows. For in this way, you are connected to all of yourself, not just the parts that are superficial.

This is your time to pull away from the image of what you are expected to be, and to walk strongly in your own being. Be who you really are, in all of your light, shadow, and connection to Ancient truths and Wisdom. The dynamic will shift, and you will become, over time, an inspiration to those around YOU. For you stand in your truth and your connection to the Wisdom of the Ancients.

This is humbling, rather than ego inflating, for seeing the expanse of wisdom around you, aids you in seeing that although you are part of the great fabric of the Universe, without the connection to Spirit and the other amazing souls around you each day, we would not be where you are now.


In your daily Spiritual Practice, ask that you reconnect to your Ancient Wisdom and Akashic Records. Ask Spirit to guide you to healing decisions, and to assist you in rising above situations to seek the best course of action.

Turn your anxiety, fear, distrust of the self, and negative feelings and emotions over to Spirit/Source. Request that in their stead that you find peace, strength, conviction, and connection to a love deeper than you have felt in a very long time.

Dear Ones, I love and believe in you. This is such a blessed time in your life. I see that you are taking the time, here, now, and in the future to continue to cultivate this channel of Ancient Wisdom and Truth. I am grateful that you are rising above the dramas and the chaos that was keeping you bogged down. I am humbled to be part of your life each day through Spirit and these words.

A hundred thousand blessings to you. May the Wise Elder walk within as well as alongside you. 

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