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The Eye of the Storm : Psychic Raven Heart

Did you know that we are all born with a Secret Super Power?

Human beings, over time, have lost their connection to something pretty amazing about themselves! Real psychic powers are available to use in every one of us.

We all have something called the THIRD EYE, which is the long-known gateway to both our higher selves and to higher realms. Mystics have known of this third eye since ancient times, and it was referred to in some fashion or form in many of the primary religious texts and a recognized part of many religions such as Hinduism, Buddhism, Taoism, and of course, western new age cultures.

Interestingly, the famous Russian psychic reader and proclaimed prophet, Helena Blavatsky, spoke about the history of this third eye and claimed its known existence goes back MUCH further even! She often spoke of a time in our ancient " root races" that this third eye was physically visible, and the people of those times all had well developed psychic skills, and it was pretty much just an everyday thing.

Unfortunately, as humans evolved and adapted to earthly lives, this third eye internalized and became what is now known as the Pineal gland and lies between the two hemispheres of the brain, doing what "appears" to be very little.


The third eye can be found between the middle of your eyebrows. This is also the area known as the Sixth chakra. This is also where we get the expression " The sixth sense" this is the physical place on the human body that psychic's have long known where to concentrate and focus to better tap into higher realms. We all have seven chakras or energy points. Keeping these balanced and flowing is crucial to our overall health and sense of balance.

Psychics say that the MOST important one is the 6th chakra, otherwise known as our third eye. This is our energetic center or the EYE of the storm that is us. This chakra is, in a sense, the HEAD chakra ( and not just because it is found on our head) but because if this one is left unattended to, we lose our natural intuitive instincts or psychic gifts. And intuition is a valuable way in which we are born to help instinctively protect ourselves and others.

So becoming more aware of this vital part of WHO we are and learning how to open up this significant energy center is VITAL to our overall health and spiritual growth.


Humans, on average, have lost skills in this area as they adapted to a fast-paced modern life. We are so BUSY that and motivated by Earthly concerns, we often forget that we are ultimately spiritual beings first and from a spiritual realm. Awakening one's third eye is the first place to begin finding that lost part of who we really are.

Psychic mediums know that learning how to awaken the third eye leads to the natural awakening of one's extrasensory gifts. This is how we can ALL learn to tap into other planes of existence. This is how we best to tune into our higher soul.



Since ancient times music was one significant way that mystics used to channel into higher planes, instruments such as singing bowls and tuning forks and chimes and bells were used. Nowadays, a very popular way is by listening to binaural beats. This is a particular form of meditation music where experts claim that listening to two tones of frequency that are slightly different from the other helps with countless things such as anxiety, sleep, relaxation, chakra clearing, and tuning into our third eye. I know this is my personal favorite, and I feel the quickest way to tune in and begin channeling.


Another powerful way to find and get to know your third eye is through focused visualization. Closing your eyes while lightly caressing your eyebrows and picturing a bright, soft light shining down upon your body helps me feel SOURCE and to tap in quickly. You should begin to feel a light buzzing or tingling sensation.

Often you will experience a phenomenon that I call "Mind-gasms," which feel to be a bit like an orgasm but in the brain. When these occur, I know I am connecting with my higher self and my spirit guides.


Using any crystal while meditating can be very useful as well. I personally love a good smooth, clear quartz to hold first in my hand and then to place upon my head on my third eye as I'm lying down. Amethyst is also known to be a great one to use for opening one's third eye and simultaneously stimulating new thoughts and bringing about balance.

Moldavite is often used to clear negative energy and is famous for promoting original thinking or tapping into unusual ideas. If bringing stability and a state of calm to your emotional center is your goal, you might want to use a Black Obsidian stone. You will want to place these stones directly upon your third eye and FEEL the energy as it courses through your brain. Focus your closed eyes to that area until you feel the waves. These waves may feel like electrical currents, and they are your RIDE to the inside of YOU and the mysteries of the other side!


Hypnosis is the practice of using specific techniques such as verbal repetition along with painting verbal, mental images in a soft rhythmic voice until a client is in a total state of relaxation. Once they reach a trance state of mind, they become open to new ideas and suggestions. Many use this method to tap into past lives as well. Psychiatric doctors have used this technique to help patients heal core wounds that are often based on our unconscious minds and stem from past pain.

Nowadays, you can use the internet to experience hypnosis right at home. Many MANY various hypnosis recordings can be found on Google, including ones specifically made to help you tap into your third eye. I personally love these and use them before bed.


So if you have decided to try the above suggestions and work toward tapping into your THIRD EYE, these things will tell you whether or not it's working.

1. First, you should be feeling something, a sensation of tingling, buzzing, and warmth.

2. You may begin to see bursts of color and start to experience visions or have extrasensory experiences occurring.

3. You may become suddenly sensitive to light.

4. You have "mind-gasm's" or a feeling of a build-up and release in your brain near the third eye.

5. Some people find they begin to experience loss of sight or actual optical vision as they tap into their 6th sight or psychic visions.

6. Headaches may occur as the brain adjusts. All of us have a sixth sense or a third eye. Most of us just aren't aware of these gifts or how to find them and use them.

Hopefully, after reading this, YOU will go searching and find the secret to calming the CENTER of your energetic storm is by TUNING directly into the area that is your TUNNEL to the OTHER SIDE! If you are confused or nervous about how to begin making third eye exercises a part of your daily life, I do third eye crystal meditation sessions with my clients and am here to help get you started!

Psychic Raven Heart 

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