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What To Do When We Are Attracted To The Wrong People

Have you ever been attracted to someone only to find out over time that they were not a good fit for you at all?

This happens more often than we like to admit. It's how we grow and find the person who is the right match for us, but it takes time and patience. It also requires us to develop ourselves emotionally, spiritually, and socially with others.

We must be mindful of the red flags we see of a person who doesn't match our energy. Intuitively, we know that these people aren't good for us and that we may also not be suitable for them, but we try anyway in the hopes it will work out. When it doesn't, we are faced with the consequences of ignoring what we should have paid attention to in the first place.

Heal our wounds 

Sometimes we are drawn to people to help us heal our trauma. If you have experienced disappointment, rejection, or been in a relationship with someone emotionally unavailable, there still may be lessons you need to learn from to move forward. When you feel attracted to someone whom you know is triggering old wounds, step back and reassess. Is this relationship a healthy one for either of you? The answer may be painful, but it could lead to growth on both your parts.

Take time to work through what wounds you have that are still healing. Therapy, counseling, or even working with a spiritual counselor such as a psychic reader can help you understand these situations better and give you insight into what type of healing you need to work with in order to attract the right people. Just know that if you feel a strong connection with someone immediately without any real work, then it is probably your trauma that is triggering a false love reaction.

Reflect on our own personality traits 

There are times when we are attracted to someone who helps us understand ourselves better. These kinds of people have nothing to do with any kind of wounds we have but represent wounds we have caused others by our own lack of self-awareness. This is why they are the wrong people for us. We are there to help them heal and help us grow.

Because sometimes we lack awareness of our issues, people are drawn to us as a way to help us understand ourselves better. When someone tells you that you hurt them, listen deeply. It could very well be their own trauma being triggered, or they could be enlightening you to how you are and how that is toxic. For example, if you are impatient, it will cause others pain that requires your patience. If you are very straight forward, you may need to learn to be more diplomatic or understand how timing plays a factor in confrontation. Some people are also extremely friendly and unaware that more introverted people require alone time. This is by far one of the most prominent personality challenges that people face in the dynamic of a relationship.

Understanding our own toxic patterns 

When we are stuck in a loop and unable to free ourselves, it's because we choose not to see what is happening around us. These patterns become more rigid and toxic over time and are harder to break, though not impossible.

Patterns usually form for many reasons. In order to break these patterns, it is vital to get to the root of the issue. If the pattern was established in our current lifetime, then they are easier to deal with directly. When the pattern started in a past life, we need to do a deeper dive and work with real psychics and mediums to help us understand and remove these blockages. Often, there will be karmic debt and karmic lessons attached. You will find the people you are drawn to are actually part of a karmic relationship you may have been destined to have in this life. These relationships aren't meant to last but are intended to help you both heal. In a sense, this doesn't necessarily mean they are in a bad relationship. They're just meant to only last for a season until the reason has been revealed and the energetic tie released.

Personal growth and understanding 

Once we accept who we are, our flaws and strengths, and step into that, we can become attracted to people of a higher vibration. This is when we start to build relationships that are meant to last not just our life but to return in various lifetimes. Believe it or not, you can create the foundation of a soulmate relationship with someone new in your life. It takes work and a conscious effort on both sides to do this, but you can create a soul connection that is both synergistic and blessed.

Are you seeking guidance on love and relationships? Contact one of our relationship experts for a psychic love reading today. 

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