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Why Do I Self-Sabotage My Relationships?

Relationships are challenging, and our most challenging relationship is often with ourselves. Psychics will tell you there are many reasons we sabotage ourselves in relationships. Generally speaking, it stems from unresolved trauma that we haven't healed ourselves from in the past. Sometimes it is because these wounds are fresh, and we need to take the time to pause and reflect and allow ourselves to process them. Other times, we just don't want to do the soul work necessary to heal ourselves for good and bad intentions.

Feelings of unworthiness

If we don't love ourselves, we can't love others. These feelings of lack of love for ourselves stem from feelings of unworthiness resulting from poor self-esteem as a child growing into an adult and not identifying them. They can also come from a toxic relationship of any kind. If we don't feel worthy, we will sabotage ourselves from receiving favorable outcomes. We may also end up attracting negative attention, toxic people, and traumatic situations. Unresolved feelings of self-worth can also create repeated unhealthy patterns in relationships. Psychics can help you release any negative feelings you may be experiencing in yourself and your relationship and offer guidance on using affirmations for self-improvement. Any resistance you may have to positive changes should be reviewed for possible feelings of lack of self-worth and belief in yourself. Working through these feelings and their core can help better any and all relationships.

Need to control

Self-sabotage can sometimes take the form of a need to control. A need to control is generally a need to feel safe in your surroundings, including relationships. This may also stem from unresolved trauma as a traumatic experience may create a need for you to feel a higher level of safety and security. However, this need can quickly become toxic, alienate potential love interests, or end relationships entirely. To deal with this need, you will need to figure out where it is causing harm in your relationships and have honest and open conversations with the people involved. This may include conversations with yourself through the way of journal and self-development exercises. A psychic can also tune into your energy and let you know where your blockages are stemming from and how to work through them in various ways to release what is holding you back from healthy relationships.

We need to punish ourselves or others.

Unfortunately, this is when things get complicated and need to be addressed. Any time you sabotage a relationship by the need to punish them or yourself, you are being destructive, and this can very well escalate if not addressed through self-work or even therapy. At this point, sabotage has become an inner and outer rage. A need to punish is based on the judgment of an unhealed trauma with typically a grudge attachment. There will be toxic energy attached to this and may create its toxic thought-form. Reiki and other forms of energy healing will aid in adjusting this, but you will need more personal work and release, and the result will need to come directly from you.


Self-sabotage can affect your ability to have healthy relationships. Working on your past unhealed wounds can help release these negative patterns and beliefs that are holding you back from living a happy and fulfilling life. Real psychics, energy healers, and therapists can assist you in your personal growth journey. 

Are you seeking advice on how to better your relationships? Please get in touch with us today to see how one of our elite psychic readers can help you. 

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