Essential Tips For Meditation : Advice from Psychic Julia
Hello Everyone,
Welcome to my new and returning clients. First, I would like to thank you for taking the time to be open-minded and reading my tips and shortcuts for you during life's most significant and smallest tasks.
The topic we will be discussing today is all about meditation.
What is it exactly? Does it truly help? How do we do it? That's why I'm here to help.
What is meditation for?
Meditation is an art within the spiritual world. It is a wellness practice for our mind, body, and spirit. It is a natural art to reduce stress and anxiety. It also improves our concentration and focuses on life's biggest challenges. It increases calm and peacefulness and adds a bliss of relaxation for our spiritual muscles, meaning our emotions, intentions, and feelings. It is a great way to start having a more bold and positive path when praying and understanding to lead you better and have more critical self-control.
Here are my top easy meditation tips
Initiation 1. Enter into your meditation practice without expectations. Remember, every body does and feels different through specific methods.
Initiation 2. Release your mind from the good and bad, clear it entirely, and focus on inhaling through the nose and exhaling throughout the mouth. Once you feel your energy is set and calm, you may begin the next phase.
Initiation 3. Be kind to yourself during your relaxation session. This is all about you and focusing on your thought process to better yourself and know that you invest your energy. Your faith and time into self-love and self-care and taking care of your self to others is a form of attraction romantically.
Initiation 4. Acknowledge your emotions after meditation. It's normal to feel clouded and down or happy and stable if you are sad. This means that your spirit is telling you that you Lack credibility from others in your life, and if you are happy, this is an excellent sign that confusion will be rested, and confirmation will be given new things are coming!
Initiation 5. At the ending of meditation, re-introduce movement and body activities such as wiggling fingers, toes, eyes, and facial expressions to release any unwanted spiritual toxicity in your body. Others say you have to find your perfect spot and do the same position every time. I say finding you being comfortable is your ideal spot!
Don't put pressure on yourself. Remember, it's all about letting negative holds in your life go.
Think of your energy like a vein in our body. We have so much blood daily going through it. That's why we physically release it spiritually. We have to do the same with our energy. We can't hold it all in, and meditation is discovered through research that it's the best for releasing. Call me today for a more in-depth online psychic reading on how to let go of certain things that are not meant for you.
Psychic Julia