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How The Pandemic Forced Us To Return To Love: Insights from Psychic Shira

Bright Greetings,

Welcome to my new and returning readers. Thank you for liking, following, and sharing. It is my goal to offer healing in every article to encourage you along your path.

I want to highlight one of the positive facets of the pandemic. The news comes rushing into our senses nearly every second of the day. Each political affiliation attempts to present their case to justify their actions, emotions, agendas, and processes.

Let us focus instead together on the theme for this article: The Return of Love.

I am not referring to superficial love, rather than we are seeking out real and meaningful relationships. The closing of the major components of our commerce, entertainment, and lifestyles has opened portals into a new way of experiencing our world. We challenge the inner landscape and geography and ask ourselves, "Is this enough, or am I letting myself settle?"

Our family has taken a leading role for the first time for many families. Those who are unhappily married are looking at either couples/family counseling or going their separate ways. Singles realize that they are ready for love, and have let go of the paradigm of their past. More singles are looking for love now than inthe past 30 years!

There has been a sharp rise for online dating sites, where singles, divorcees, widows, or widowers are looking for love with that exclusive soulmate. The game of love has changed dramatically.

The first meeting is most often an online conferencing platform. The anxiety that this produces is more intense than if the two parties involved had met organically. Frequently, unresolved childhood issues will reveal themselves as abandonment, micromanagement, the scars of abuse, being a child of divorce, being a child of poverty or great affluence, or having been neglected or dismissed the majority of life.

The work that we do with our interior landscape and healing these gremlins from the past will ensure that we are experiencing a return to love. Taking time when an issue from your past is revealed to you, either as a feeling, thought, or reaction to an external stimulus, to stop and assess is key to your moving into love. Children of alcoholics and drug abusers, if not addicts themselves, will become the mediator placing themselves into the center of the family problems generated by the addiction and being the peacemaker.

It is little wonder that there is a loss of a healthy identity and finding that they are attracted to the same circumstance in love and romance. Enter the rescuer! ( If I can rescue you, it proves that I am valid, and do not have to work on my subset of blockages) Children that came from poverty will live fearfully and go on to be extremely successful.

In the case of living in fear, it may mean taking that lower-paying job to cover your bills and take care of your family. The fear of losing everything again drives them to decisions that relate to lower expectations. Those who do rise above the fear have done the work to achieve status and success. This, however, does not mean that the scars are healed from growing up poor.

If anything, wealth, fame, and success act as bandaids until they do the work to be fully integrated and rerooted in balance and healing. Children who come from affluence are expected 9 out of 10 times to keep up appearances for the parents' status and future success. Peak performance is a demand, not an option. Push yourself, work harder, be better are the messages being sent.

There may also be issues of neglect, where the money is used in nurturing's stead. Let us move towards first, deep healing within ourselves. Seek the blockages, address the issues directly, and offer ourselves the same love and patience that we would with another that we observed hurting.

This is our return to love, real love: Love, where we give people a genuine version of us, leaving the superficial aspects behind. Love where we connect with our vulnerability, humanity, empathy, and kindness. Love where we listen to each other, without formulating our overriding responses. Love where we live transparently, honestly, authentically. Love where we forgive easily. Love where we stop the game playing and enter the arena of real love, unconditional love. Love where we give back to our community in any way we can. Love where we leave our insecurities behind, and move forward with faith in a better future. Love where we are committed each day, every day to those we love. Love where we are faithful, loving, and loyal. Love that is beyond fair weather conditions. Love that keeps its' promises and makes amends when it cannot.

My Grandmother used to tell me, "Love shows up." Let us show up for ourselves first so that we can attract real love into our lives.

If you find yourself attracting less than optimal romantic partners, ask yourself: What is it about me holding the lower standard? Why am I willing to settle for this lackluster connection?

Love feels and acts from real depth. Let us open our hearts and engage with the wonder of the transformational power and healing of real love.

I love you, and I believe in you. I love who you are now and who you are becoming.

In Divine Truth and Love,

Psychic Shira

Before the devastation that has befallen our world, you and I occupied ourselves with career, materialistic attainment, and enriching our resumes' lines. Shira has been in the intuitive arts for over 35 years and holds certifications in (to name a few): Vibrational Healing, Tarot Card Readings, Reiki (Master Teacher in several systems), Animal Reiki/healing, Bodywork Counseling (Reiki + Process Work), Matrix Energetix, and holds several degrees, including a Master's Degree in Health Care Administration. She is gifted in Dream Interpretation and offers crystal clear insight into all areas of the human perspective during your online psychic readings. Shira is a Psychic Medium and has been connecting to life-after-life since the age of 5. She is a psychic keen on offering loving, direct, and compassionate readings. Shira believes that your ability to manifest is unlimited. 

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