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How to Clear and Activate the Power in Your Solar Plexus Chakra

The Manipura Chakra is the energy point in your body that governs self-identity, the external personality, the ego, and personal choice, freedom, and authenticity. In conjunction with your third eye, your intuitive messages originate here. Manipura, translated from Sanskrit, means "city of jewels" or "resplendent gem." This is a very precious energy point. For those who desire to walk through life with a strong and healthy sense of self (all of us), clearing the Manipura Chakra is vital. In order to balance and activate your Solar Plexus Chakra (as it is known in the West), understanding what it manages, how to clear out residual energy imprints, how to open a dialogue with this chakra, and how to connect with your higher-self and ego are all vital. Together, let's explore and learn how to clear and activate the power in your Solar Plexus Chakra.

The Solar Plexus Chakra's energy extends about three fingers above and below the navel. The third chakra regulates self-esteem, self-discipline, self-awareness, willpower, and space of balance, dramatically affects how you express your personality to the external world. When the Solar Plexus Chakra is blocked, it is common to experience self-doubt, a lack of motivation or follow-through, or self-absorption. An imbalanced Solar Plexus Chakra can be exhausting as you will find that your natural responses to life's surprises will not be effective or appropriate.

When life throws you curveballs, if you find yourself overreacting (instead of assessing and then choosing your action) or unconsciously choosing non-action, your Solar Plexus Chakra may be blocked. Other signs that your Solar Plexus Chakra is out of balance are apathy, harsh self-judgment, fear of making decisions, and a lack of self-trust. If your Solar Plexus is blocked, you will often experience many varying physical imbalances as well.

Physical ailments from a blocked Solar Plexus Chakra are often chronic and easily triggered. Personally, this chakra is one of my most challenging to balance. Indigestion, bloating, nausea, ulcers, diabetes, and food sensitivities are a few of the physical challenges associated with a blocked third chakra. Receiving a reading from an online psychic can help you to identify what changes, both energetically and physically, are needed in your life to balance out your third chakra.

Clearing your Solar Plexus Chakra can be done in many ways. Outdoor physical activity that requires deep breaths is helpful, such as walking, hiking, or tai chi. As the root of the intuition is found in the Solar Plexus Chakra, yoga (either indoors or outdoors) will assist you in awakening this chakra. Vinyasan, Yin, Kundalini, and Hatha yoga tend to clear out the stagnant energy and welcome new balanced energy into your seat of intuition. If you feel anxious about unblocking your Solar Plexus Chakra, sunbathing is a gentle way to release any tension in this energy point. Using essential oils with any of the above activities can also boost your intention by clearing and activating your Solar Plexus Chakra.

When you reach essential oils to care for your Solar Plexus Chakra, turn to nurturing and comforting smells. Some of my favorites are cedarwood, rosemary, chamomile, juniper, and lemon. These oils can be used in a diffuser, or you can burn incense. I find that my Solar Plexus Chakra reacts most quickly to either a few drops of the essential oil in my bath or rubbed directly on my stomach. If you use the essential oil on your skin, be sure to use a base oil to avoid burns. Feel free to use one oil at a time or create your blend. You also may want to rub the essential oil blend not only on your stomach but on your mid and lower back as well. While you are applying the essential oil, communicate to your body what you hope to accomplish with this oil application. Once you have cleared out the Solar Plexus Chakra, activation is key!

Activating the Solar Plexus Chakra can be an enjoyable experience using mantras, crystals, or colors. Using the mantra RAM (raum) will activate the seat of personal power. Whether you listen to this powerful mantra or speak it out loud, your Solar Plexus Chakra and, therefore, your personal power will begin to feel the immediate benefits. Wearing the color yellow (the color of the Solar Plexus Chakra) will also set into action the opening and balancing of this energy point.

Along with using the color yellow, particular crystals speak directly to the third chakra and assist in clearing, opening, balancing, and healing. These crystals can be held during meditation, placed on your yoga mat, or even carried around in your bag or purse. Some of my favorites are lemon quartz, citrine, yellow topaz, yellow tiger's eye, and pyrite. If you are experiencing doubt, fear, or anxiety, take a moment to hold your chosen crystal in your right hand and take seven clearing breaths. You will be surprised at the intuitive relationship that you can quickly develop with your crystals. You will notice that you will begin to reach for your crystals before the emotion even registers in your body with regular use.

While meditating, listening to the frequency of the Solar Plexus Chakra can deepen your healing. The frequency of Solar Plexus Chakra (528 Mhz) is also the frequency of creation. The Universe is speaking to us in code. Create from your Solar Plexus Chakra. Trust your gut. Create through intuition. Even for a minute, listening to this sound can shift your energy and help you release the anxiety that you may have stored in your Solar Plexus Chakra. To further direct this energy, place your left hand up (receptive) and your right hand (giver) directly over your navel. Turn your attention to your breath and then speak your affirmations aloud to deepen your healing in your Solar Plexus Chakra.

Let's do some reprogramming together. Focus on your breath. Take a deep breath in through your nose to a count of seven. Hold for a count of seven, then release through your nose for a count of seven. Continue nasal breathing in a relaxed fashion while you claim this healing from the Universe.

I am an intuitive being.

I hear and act fearlessly, guided by the Universe.

I identify resolutions to conflict and take the needed action.

I am motivated and inspired to create what I desire.

I am self-aware. I celebrate my successes and actively work to learn from my missteps.

When I make a decision for my highest good, I execute my action flawlessly.

I fluidly interact with the world around me. I have a strong sense of self.

To thrive in this realm, balanced self-esteem, self-discipline, self-awareness, and willpower are beneficial. Meditation, deep breath, physical activities, mantras, essential oils, crystals, as well as the use of the 528 Mhz sound can be life-changing for those who tend to store stress and uncertainty in their Solar Plexus Chakra. Releasing any core blocks will leave you feeling lighter and more grounded. When your third chakra is in balance, you approach the world with a strong sense of self, take decisive action, and feel that you are able to manage anything that life has to offer.

The journey to a balanced Solar Plexus Chakra can take minutes or lifetimes, depending on your soul age and karmic ties. Speaking with an online psychic can often provide you insights to tailor your choice of tools to heal your third chakra. Clear, activate, and reprogram your Solar Plexus Chakra to journey through life intuitively.

If you seek further guidance, MeetYourPsychic is ready to help you on your journey to yourself.


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