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Is this Relationship Right For You? : Insights from Psychic Jenna

Knowing when to end a relationship is a tricky concept to struggle through. Never mind the emotional turmoil of assessing our self-worth through the eyes of another or facing head-on the frightening predicament of "ending up alone" if this current love doesn't work out the way you envisioned after a great first date got a lot more real.

Questions such as "What is wrong with ME, that I can't make any relationship work" or "Why isn't Mr. or Mrs. "Right" anywhere to be found despite this endless searching of speed dating and mindless swiping left or right?" These moments of uncertainty plague our psyche as we embark upon the arduous journey of syncing with that special someone, a person many of us visualize spending the rest of our life with.

There's GOT to be a better strategy of KNOWING when enough is enough with one given person. When is it time to begin allocating our precious energy elsewhere towards another relationship with more potential to serve our needs best and ignite our passion?

Perhaps there is a better tool to assess any given situation and determine if additional time is needed to heal old wounds. To ascertain that maybe this is only an uncomfortable pothole positioned strategically by the universe to gain insight, wisdom, and experience upon the broader expanse of the journey, you are both meant to continue traveling together.

These are familiar "forks in the road" that bring much anxiety and pressure to choose "correctly" when explored and examined by our individual and the unique human brain, a marvelous anatomical organ. Using its analytical and empirical processing capabilities, it was designed to choose wisely for optimum survival chances in a world fraught with danger and unexpected challenges around every corner. But like that of a well-positioned, correctly functioning thermometer reporting the "hot & heavy steaminess" in a room where lovemaking is ensuing, the physical brain always falls short of genuinely calibrating the extent of a chosen relationship within the "Bigger Picture" of our Soul's existence within this world.

A different "instrument" is likely a viable option for assessing such a critical choice pertaining to matters of the heart and the emotions we emit from it to sculpt a prospective union best and seize a viable future alongside someone with whom we share great chemistry. Consulting a Higher Power is difficult for some who ascribe to a more scientific approach to life. Many find themselves on uneven terrain when attempting to align with a Power Greater than themselves as if it is an identity to appeal towards, or and individual to whom they are "speaking" to about their "little person problems" of whom to share the love with and who to disconnect from. As if "God" cares, right? With all that he/she has to deal with in this world of famine, disease, trauma, and suffering. Why would God waste time helping you decide whether or not there is something more to be had between you and that tall glass of water at work that seems to always be in the breakroom when you need a top off on your coffee?

The age-old method of praying to...God? Spirit? The Universe? Anyone???... though it works just fine for many, has never really jived with me. I find myself looking more closely at and inspecting within my physical brain that can be ascribed an actual value in the world of people we find ourselves situated within.

However, the world of energy is an entirely different playing field that the brain can scarcely perceive in its myopic purpose of keeping you alive and breathing long enough to reproduce hopefully. The pursuit of something "more" than this simplistic view of mating has to come from somewhere more complex and sophisticated within Oneself...from that place that intricately connects you to this Earth and its electromagnetic frequencies of truth and wisdom throughout the ages of the Akashic Record. This trove of knowledge is only accessed when accessing the Energy Centers on the Etheric Plane, which are inexplicably linked to geographical locations within the physical body, aka the Chakral Energy System.

When tapped into via our various energy centers, the phenomena of energy provide a scope of understanding that is proving day by day more undeniable by both modern science and the spiritual community alike. The electromagnetic activity can even be photographed and measured with sophisticated instruments that measure infrared and ultraviolet light on a spectrum not detected by the naked eye.

Some devices can actually pick up frequencies being emitted by the satellite of walking embodiments of light energy that each of us actually is. But even detecting these energetic signatures via fancy-schmancy technological devices hardly sheds light upon the greater picture of what that "leak" in your Aura truly "feels" like...of what it actually "means" for your given situation of the human experience. This is a data set that can only be supplemented from your testimony to complement the photograph of your compromised Auric Field of Swirling Colors or your sporadic frequency output of any given range of MegaHertz.

On a parallel plane that aligns with our 3D world of human activity, there exists a realm of pure and unadulterated energy that never lies. We are all imbued with "Energetic Centers" of perception of said energy expressed through emotions and extrasensory perceptions referred to by Old World Cultures and Philosophies as Chakras - portals of a more profound understanding of ourselves that hold insight into feelings we experience. These Energy Centers have been known about, studied, and are finally making their grand debut on the scene of modern science.

We explore the energetic signatures they leave behind on these sophisticated methods of measurement. We are now able to record and study empirically with our human brains. However, we need not have access to such humanmade devices to directly and personally tap into these energy centers within ourselves, and doing so is apt to illuminate much in the way of answering such tough questions regarding romance. Just as our enlightened ancestors embarked upon a path of greater understanding of the unseen world long before we renounced all they passed down to us in exchange for what we held to be the superior

Scientific Method of the 20th century, we too can tap into these Energy Centers that manifest as extrasensory perception within the physical body to gain a greater understanding of the relationships we choose to pursue and a plethora of other decisions we are faced with during our transient human lives.

Sitting in meditation is one way of accessing this viable information. It is a practice of stilling the mind so that other truths may bubble to the surface. There is also the potential for assessing another's energy shared with you by taking notice of your "feelings" or "emotions" as they present themselves to you. Do you feel a wrenching in your gut when your boo says, "I love you," that until now you have silenced because it is what you "thought" (with your brain) that you wanted to hear?

It is impossible to "know" that someone is lying if you have no empirical proof that can be analyzed and deduced from the evidence presented and examined by your brain. Yet, many report a "hunch" or sensation within your body they are reacting to when they hear no more than their spouse tell them on a phone call that they are somewhere...and the "feeling" remains niggling that they are somewhere different than the place they say? These are but two examples of our powerful Energy Centers serving us in everyday life that we have been in many ways, conditioned to ignore in pursuit of verifiable evidence we can see with our physical eyes, hear with our physical ears, touch with our physical skin, and decipher with our biological brain.

Rejecting these extrasensory perceptions has been a cornerstone of our undoing as an Earthling race, that in and of itself discounts anything of worth or wisdom beyond that of our immortal, soon to decay, human flesh. If there is something beyond the immortal body, then why not embrace and consult it once in a while when the brain and body fall short of providing us with the answers we need to move forward?

It is always vitally important that we use our brain in conjunction with our energy centers when making life decisions that will affect us in enormous ways for years to come. Many have used their "gut" feelings instead of their logical deduction of a situation and found themselves regretting a route they chose due to unforeseen cause and effect results that could have been detected if some common sense were applied.

Our human brain, which is in and of itself an anatomical organ, is an incredible tool that will serve us well provided we don't allow it to lord over our Energy Centers of Extrasensory Perception that have also helped us long before (and will long after) our brains age, die and decay as all physical brains will one day do. Why not allow each of these useful resources you have been imbued with does its part in serving and supporting you in the way it was designed to, and to welcome both perspectives to the round table committee when consulting the best way forward with respect to how to proceed with any given relationship you find yourself drawn to explore?

After all, it wasn't your brain that led you to be interested in those dreamy eyes in the first place. Why should it be the only source of information you seek when ascertaining whether or not this new flame is just a pretty face or something more worth getting knee-deep into?

Psychic Jenna can be reached at Meet Your Psychic at extension 1448.

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