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Meditation to receive your God Goddess and Spirit Guide

A while back ago, when I was a dedicant in a coven, which I devoted nine months of my life to, they had said to me, at the end of my trial I would do what's called a vision quest and then receive my goddess assigned to me by them!

I had problems with this since why should they assign me my goddess she's mine! it should be personal between my goddess and myself!

The result was this coven did not like me and I did not finish my term with them they banished me from their group and believe me I thank them, since

I learned more on my own then with that group of egoists!

They forced me to develop my own meditation, since I needed my goddess and spirit guides, which I shall now share with you.

The first one is for anyone who wishes a god or goddess, these work because I have already attempted these meditations and they are my own creation.

Step one see yourself in a Roman Museum standing before you ten gods 1. Apollo 2.Hera, 3. Zeus, 4. Lilith 5. Hecate 6. Persephone 7. Odin 8. Hades 9. Freya 10 Kali

Then say in a loud booming and commanding voice "ALL OF YOU LEAVE! EXCEPT FOR MY GOD OR GODDESS! MY GOD OR GODDESS APPROACH ME!"

Now see which of these steps forward, it may be an entirely different god or goddess then once you have them if you do not recognize them this is where I come in, if you are not sure of their identity you should reach out to me by phone or email and describe them in detail. Now what I mean is you need to be very descriptive, I need to know everything, tell me how tall they are, are they male? Or female? Do they have a helmet? Or a lyre? Are they young? Or old? How are they dressed? In a long toga? Or in a short armor skirt?

Do they look imposing? Or do they look romantic and childlike? What does your intuition say they are when you look at them do you sense this one is wise? Or this one is a healer! Contact me and describe everything to me and I will inform you who you received.

Now for the second meditation, this one is very similar to receiving your god or goddess, only with a few minor adjustments.

Step one, instead of being indoors like in the first where you are in a roman museum, here you are outside in a forest, now before you are a dragon, a unicorn, a bat on a tree, a monkey a snake and griffin and a giraffe, again in a bold booming voice exclaim to them loudly "ALL OF YOU LEAVE! EXCEPT FOR MY SPIRIT GUIDE! MY SPIRIT GUIDE APPROACH ME!" Now it could be any of these or an entirely different being. Now once you know who you have received contact me and I'll explain why you received them, or you could google them, example you receive the Monkey, look up monkeys and find out what you and this monkey have in common? Why did this monkey choose you? Investigate. You may be surprised to learn how much you and the monkey have in common, and that this monkey is your teacher and has much to teach you! So that is the second meditation or feel free to call me and I'll do the investigation for you with my gods.

I know you will all receive much enjoyment from both of these meditations and should you have any questions I'm always here just call me, and with an open heart I will look into it along with the magic and guidance of my gods and spirit guides, who have served me well. 

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