The Whimsical Butterflies Lesson for Each of Us
I have always loved butterflies and how easily such a seemingly fragile creature can navigate their surroundings with ease and grace. The vibrant colors, unique patterning, and charm is confirmed every summer when I see them flitting happily around the gardens in my community.
Butterflies go through one of the most transformative life processes of any living creature: Eggs, Caterpillar, Chrysalis, and Butterfly.
The Butterfly lays their eggs on the underside of a leaf, those eggs hatch and change form to the caterpillar, consuming the leaves of organic substance in which their eggs were laid.
The caterpillar continues to eat and grow, until they start the metamorphic transformation of the chrysalis, wrapping themselves in up in layers of silken thread, creating a cocoon and suspending it upside down from a leaf or a bush.
The caterpillar goes through their greatest transformation inside this silken tent, where they revert to a gel-like state and form the structure of the buttery.
When the butterfly extricates themselves from chrysalis which has been hung on a branch or bush, they wait for the air to fill their wings for their maiden flight as the magical butterfly.
The butterfly has the adaptability that makes their tenacity spiritually inspiring. In order to grow and evolve, they must let their biology move into a series of different states of matter.
I raise Painted Lady Butterflies. I find the eggs and create a space for them to hatch and go through the metaphoric and transformative process, then release them safely outside in my garden. In my garden I have butterfly bushes so they will lay their eggs again, and I can ensure that they will return each year to grace us with their beauty and as pollinating ambassadors.
The journey of the dwindling population of the Monarch Butterfly are well-documented. They travel 3,000 miles between northeastern United States and Canada to Mexico, braving the elements and predators. 4 generation of Monarch Butterflies go through the metamorphic process and reproduce during this 3,000-mile journey.
When you are feeling discouraged or uncertain about your life, look for the butterfly moments around you, realize that if they can do it with only fragile wings, that you can make the most of each day.
The Spiritual and Metaphysical Interpretation of Butterflies
When a butterfly crosses your path, it is a sign from your ancestors, angels, and guides. It is validation that you are transforming, overcoming the challenges that each day may offer.
Seeing two butterflies together can indicate that love is coming into your life, or the renewal of a loving pairing.
Seeing three butterflies cross your path in one day: Please pay attention to the location and recall what was on your mind. There is likely a synchronicity in the location. Make note of the time as numerology may play a role in the validation.
Seeing butterflies coming out of their cocoons and taking first flight is the sign that the new venture(s) you are embarking on will be successful.
Butterfly colors can correspond to the chakras in your body that are need in of balance, care, and attention. For instance, when you see a butterfly that is yellow and orange, the yellow pertains to your third chakra at the solar plexus or your chi center, and the orange is associated with your second chakra at your navel. You point of creativity and passion.
Seeing butterflies in unusual places is a direct validation that your angels, guides, and guardians are with you. You are supported, loved, and protected.
Seeing a kaleidoscope (group) of butterflies means that you need to lighten up and not take life so seriously. They are encouraging you to embrace the ease of your breath, laughter, and to be playful. Spend time with friends and family that you hold near and dear.
Having a butterfly land on you is considered good fortune and heralds positive changes ahead.
The Structure of Butterfly Wings
Butterflies have a complex wing structure with 2 forewings and 2 back wings. The size of these wings will vary with the subspecies of the butterfly. They have an intricate venous system that nourishes and feeds the wings, very similar to the human anatomy and our venous and capillary system.
Butterflies are extremely sensitive to their environments and have over thousands of years, adapted to blend in with their surroundings. They use their wing movement to communicate emotion and even sending out the signal to stay out of their territory.
Their wing action is closer to a figure 8 (when both sets of wings move into forward momentum) than that of a bird or an insect, even though their wings are comprised of a protein called 'chitin' found in the exoskeletons of a wide array of insects.
There are over 160,000 varieties of butterflies. The first butterfly fossil was discovered to be nearly 50 million years old, with the scientific evidence expressing they go back 100 million years.
Butterflies have been flying through our lives and are a key part of earth's delicate ecosystems. They work in collaboration with bees, beetles, wasps, and even monkeys to pollinate our gardens, forests, (and our world), giving us life producing food, and ensuring the continuance of the delicate balance in nature.
The Butterfly Effect
You and I hear about this, but do we really understand it. One small change in a non-linear timeframe can create changes thousands of miles away, this is part of Chaos Theory. The only real constant in life is chaos, but there will always be a resting point in the energy, however temporary. This is where nature permits us to 'pause' to observe where we can correct course or stay on the same path.
One small change can yield a complete shift in your life, destination, or timeline.
So How Does This Tie Into The Shifting Timelines in a Psychic Reading?
This is the reason in a psychic reading, during the reading, it is reflective of where you are before you choose to move in a given direction. When you change direction, you have changed the outcome. Timelines can easily move into a more positive and desirable state, if you listen to the messages from spirit and take them to heart.
The butterfly demonstrates to us that when we move from fear, we may enact a hurricane in our lives, causing disruption and anarchy. This will change and skew the timeline not just for us, but the world around us. It may create dissonance rather than resonance, and leave the imprint of distrust and hate, rather than unconditional love.
We are the students; butterflies are our teachers. Sent here millions of years prior to our existence to guide us gently reminding us that what we think, how we act, how we feel, and the choices that we make have gravity. We can fly through life, tasting of the rich experiences around us, pollinating our world with love, working with butterfly energy to make our world a more beautiful and sacred space for nature and mankind to reside.
It is your intention, that first thought that sets your day, that will be your compass for the day.
Choose wisely dear ones!
The next time you see a butterfly, remember to say thank you and offer gratitude for that small moment that you are sharing.
MOST VALUED PSYCHIC February 2021, March 2019 & May 2014! Shira has been reading for over 26 years, and is Certified in Energy Healing, Distance Healing, & Vibrational Therapy. She was trained in Intuitive Healing & Readings, starting in her early teenage years. She experienced a different reality, and had Mentors and Teachers come into her life to assist her on this journey of discovery of herself and the Universe. Affirming her connection to the Divine, and the humbling, yet edifying process of being here now.
Shira is Clairsentient, Clairaudient, Clairvoyant, and an Empath. She believes that each of us has the power to live a fully abundant and fulfilling lives, and that together we can make a positive difference through our synergy as a worldwide community. She was a Licensed Massage Therapist for over 15 years, and utilized her training in the Medical Intuitive realm to aide in the healing of the Body, Mind, and Spirit. She holds several degrees, one of which is a degree in Bodywork Counseling (a combination of Process Work and Energy Healing).
Shira is a Certified Reiki Master, and believes that each of us has the capability of channeling healing to ourselves and others. It is a source of bliss and joy in her life to work with Divine Energy, and to assist you in connecting not only to you Higher Purpose for being here now, but to gain clarity, and have Compassionate Objectivity for your beautifully unfolding life.
Shira feels that you never live the same day twice, and empowers and encourages you to be the best and brightest version of you possible. She believes that Grace is all around you, and that your connection to Source/Spirit/God creates a life of connection and clarity. All you need to do is to claim it, incorporating this into your life to release disruptive energy at a deep subconscious level. Lift your Vibrational Frequency and change your life!