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Trusting your intuition. Truth, or paranoia?

"The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift."-Albert Einstein

What does it mean to trust your intuition? Where does intuition come from? In life we face many challenges that may sometimes cause us to become conflicted and confused and it is perfectly normal to confuse our intuition with paranoia. So how can we tell the difference? What can we do to help us learn how to distinguish what our intuition tells us versus if we are just being paranoid?

First, it is important to understand that our intuition is the strongest drive that we have. It is what keeps us alive and is innate in all of us. Our intuition is constantly speaking to us unconsciously. Our subconscious mind, which knows more than us, prohibits us from knowing certain things for fear of being overwhelmed by emotions and information. Remember, the word "intuition," comes from the Latin word "intueri," which means to look within, or look inside. Think of it as a vast ocean of information from past experiences, including all of the lessons you've learned from lives past, understandings of situations happening in the present that you may not quickly understand in the present, and the ability to foreshadow the future from realizing familiar feelings that you may not understand completely in your waking state. It often speaks to us through our dreams but we also receive signals while awake. But how do we know how to tell the difference?

Whenever you are deep in an uncomfortable situation, or just feel like you have lost touch with your intuition, it is always best to learn to separate yourself from the situation that is conflicting you. For example: there is a preconceived notion that everybody cheats. This stereotype may often lead to paranoia that your partner is cheating on you. The more you block yourself from being open to understanding and allow preconceived notions to run your mind, the farther you will take yourself from what your intuition is truly telling you. There has been so many times where I have witnessed partners breaking up because one has convinced themselves that the other is cheating, when indeed the partner was honestly just needing some time alone. Our own fears can sometimes lead us to our own demise instead of protecting us truly. These fears are all part of our "ego." So, how do we get in touch with our "higher self," and learn to trust our intuition? Here's a simple meditation you can do anytime you feel your intuition coming across a little fuzzy:

Take a few minutes to ground and center yourself. Remember to always breathe in deep from your stomach. Visualize a chalkboard right in front of you. On this chalkboard, write down anything that is on your mind that is troubling you. Include any preconceived notions, stereotypes, fears, and paranoia. Now, erase all of the words that you just listed. Before you now; should be a clean black chalkboard, symbolizing that you have now cleared all these worries from your mind. As you continue to breathe deeply, remember to now stay in the present state, as your intuition lives in the present moment. As you open your eyes slowly, repeat this affirmation to yourself: "I trust myself to know the truth." Keep a positive mindset throughout your day, and always remember to trust your intuition.

If you would like to inquire more about what issues are bothering you and/or causing your intuition and decision making to become fuzzy, I can help you on which path to take, and uncover what is truly troubling you and causing your intuition to be confused with what could just be paranoia.

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