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What Does a White Aura Mean

Have you heard of the term "aura" before? Did you know that auras have different colors and meanings behind them? Today, we are gonna talk about one of the rarest aura colors, white! But, before we get into the meaning behind the white aura, let's talk about what an aura is and how auras were discovered.

What is an Aura?

Your aura is an energy field that surrounds a human body, animals, or even objects. It looks like an egg or belt around the human color that has one or several colorful tints to it. Everything has an aura, since everything in the universe is a continuous flow of energy. Auras can change, as our auras reflect our emotional, physical and spiritual health. The color of our aura can change depending on our thoughts, moods, emotions and health. Auras that are around objects, can be manipulated and changed by our own conscious intent.

There are 12 primary colors in your aura, ranging from a bright shade to a dull shade. The brighter the aura, the more positive things are. If the aura is presenting dull, that can mean illness, mental health issues, or blocked chakras. The 12 main colors of the aura are red, orange, yellow, green, indigo, purple, pink, silver, brown, black, white and rainbow.

Auras also have seven main layers which are connected to the 7 chakras of the human body. Chakras are spinning forces of energy in our bodies that serve as our life force. Each layer of the aura varies in depth and size which depends on where that person is in their lives. When in a healthy state, the entire aura and its vibration can extend several feet outward and is brighter in color. When in an unhealthy state, your auras vibration will be thinner and closer to the body and more dull. The seven layers of the aura are;

        • Etheric: physical body and health
        • Emotional: emotions, feelings
        • Mental: your thoughts, how you process things and your state of mind
        • Astral: spiritual health
        • Etheric: your entire spiritual blueprint, psychic abilities
        • Celestial: dreams and intuition
        • Ketheric: connection to the divine and universal consciousness

Auras can be sensed, felt, and seen, but the aura is not visible to the naked eye. Everyday, we are unconsciously reacting to other people's auras. Ever passed by a completely normal looking stranger and felt repelled and suddenly urged to stay away? That is your body picking up on that person's aura intuitively. Even though psychics and clairvoyants can see auras, anybody can train their eyes to be able to read someone's aura. Use solid color backgrounds like white or black, and practice letting your eyes zone out as you stare at the object, human body, or animal. This can help to train the eyes to see the aura more clearly and efficiently.

The history behind auras date back to when tribes would write about them by carving messages into the walls of caves. The concepts of an aura were first popularized in 1903 by Charles Webster Leadbeater, a former priest of The Church of England and member of the Mystic Theosophical Society. He wrote a book explaining auras called "Man Visible and Invisible". A few years later, in 1910, he came out with another book, "The inner life", which introduced the modern concept of auras. This eventually led to several theologists adopting the idea from Ledbetter, reinterpreting his concepts to what we know today.

The White Aura:

The white aura is a high vibrational color and is one of the few rare colors that you can sometimes see in someone's aura. White can typically be seen in a young child, before a proper color starts showing, especially after they are born or someone who is currently on a higher level of spiritual development. If the aura is a bright white, especially around the head area, it could mean that the person has opened their crown chakra.

The crown chakra is the seventh energy center in the human body. It's located at the crown of the head. The crown chakra represents divine knowledge, spiritual enlightenment and unity with the universe. Your crown chakra is one of the hardest chakras to unblock, and most people never are able to fully unblock their crown chakra as it takes deep spiritual work to unblock . Which is why the white aura is one of the rarest auras to see. Typically someone will have primarily one or two colors in their aura, while white comes and goes. If the white is exceptionally bright, that person most likely has an advanced spiritual soul.

White auras represent 6 main things:

        • Purity: all of your thoughts, actions and words align with truth and light 2. Integrity: your morals and principles are important and you love unconditionally
        • Spirituality: Highly intuitive or psychic, with a strong drive to expand your cosmic understanding
        • Wisdom: Your soul has created lifetimes of knowledge to attain realization.
        • Healing: You have the desire to heal others physically, emotionally or spiritually
        • Divinity: You share a strong connection with the divine

The negative and positive of white auras:

The positive traits with white auras

Those with bright vibrant white auras tend to have personalities that are generous, kind and honest. Having a white aura can signify hope, peace, growth, protection, balance, transition and health. They are quick minded and have a strong sense of connection to their higher power. They are more spiritually awake than others. People with white auras tend to be wholesome and kind-hearted individuals. Their life experiences cause them to want to make this world a better place and offer unconditional love to all walks of life. They are very trustworthy and loyal to those they come across.

The negative traits with white auras

Although those with white auras seem to have a powerful and positive energy, there are a few negative traits that they possess. They have to be perfectionists, and when things aren't going the right way, they stress and worry. That being said, they constantly worry about everything and are always anxious. When people or animals are in need, they tend to put others before themselves, sacrificing their own needs and self-care, often even their own health, to care for others. They also can be a bit naive, which then leads them to be taken advantage of by others. Their need to help everyone can come off sometimes as a bit judgmental, but that's only due to the nature of them trying to help you.

Challenges those with white Auras face:

Professional Lives with a white aura

People with white auras tend to pick careers that surround helping others. Their true happiness and passion comes from helping others. If they try to get a job that isn't what makes them happy, they tend to have a harder time succeeding in that career path. They are less likely to start drama in the workplace- but be the ones to be the
peacekeeper and mediator.

Careers for those with white auras:

  • Any type of charity work
  • Spiritual counseling
  • Life coaching
  • Veterinary work
  • Any type of nursing, or job as a doctor
  • Medicine
  • therapist

Love and relationships with a white aura

Individuals with white auras love hard and love with everything, which can be a lot for their partner especially if they don't love themselves. They genuinely love and see their partners for who they are and always put them before themselves. They feel it's their responsibility to take care and help others. People with white auras tend to be drawn to partners who understand their needs in life and also make that a high priority with them. They are the closest you will find to pure love.

Individuals have success in relationships with partners who:

  • Are able to have deep meaningful conversations
  • Engage on helping others together
  • Show mutual love respect and emotional availability
  • Expanding their spiritual paths together

People with white auras have rare and special qualities and gifts about them and always strive to bring in more peace, love and light to everyone they meet. White auras possess strong healers and these healers are here to help serve others.


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