Prediction Dates & Love Compatibility for the Aquarius Zodiac Sign

Date Range | Duality | Element | Quality | Symbol |
January 20–February 18 | Masculine | Air | Fixed | The Waterbearer |
This Week's Horoscope
Your mouth is a loaded weapon this week, my Water Bearing chum. Sure, you've got awesome, solid wisdom to share, but if it's wrapped in snark, no one will listen or care. So, dial back the savagery and turn up the charm instead. Want to make a point? Sweet talk like a pro. Honey beats vinegar, especially when your audience is one eye-roll away from muting you. Play nice, win big.
This Week's Love Horoscope
Love lines are blurry this week. Mercury's playing hardball with Jupiter, and you could feel torn between what you think matters and what actually makes your heart race. But curiosity is a powerful ally. Strip away expectations, let down your guard and get unapologetically nosy about your paramour's world. You could have one or two assumptions quashed, but knowing the truth about what matters in a budding or special connection will be invaluable.