Prediction Dates & Love Compatibility for the Virgo Zodiac Sign
Date Range | Duality | Element | Quality | Symbol |
August 23–September 22 | Feminine | Earth | Mutable | The Virgin |
This Week's Horoscope
What do drama and misery have in common? Both love company! This week, you're the VIP guest at someone else's dumpster fire. Mars and Mercury are stirring the pot, but don't act surprised—you brought the spoon! Own your part, step back and stop fanning the flames of tension or someone's reliance on you. Yes, giving is good. However, you're not obliged to fix anyone's mess. Smiling and quietly exiting stage left isn't cruel, it's necessary.
This Week's Love Horoscope
This week, the love gods teach you a lesson - that you will like! Venus and Saturn tell you to ditch the perfectionist act—it's boring. Nobody wants a know-it-all in the bedroom or anywhere else, for that matter, either. Stop grading your paramour and start embracing the messy, beautiful chaos of real connection. Let go of that stiff, outdated rulebook. Love wants to be a wild, sweaty, unapologetic dance. Dive in, make mistakes, and learn as you go. That's the real magic.