Prediction Dates & Love Compatibility for the Virgo Zodiac Sign
Date Range | Duality | Element | Quality | Symbol |
August 23–September 22 | Feminine | Earth | Mutable | The Virgin |
This Month's Horoscope
The New Moon in your sign on the 2nd rolls out the red carpet for you! Stop hiding in the wings—step into the spotlight and claim what's yours. From the 4th until November 3rd, Mars fires up your social scene, urging you to gather your crew and make big ideas a reality. Don't forget to have fun while you're at it! A Full Moon Lunar Eclipse lights up partnerships on the 17th. So, whether you're coupling up or cutting ties, make sure it's a move you've thought through and won't regret.
This Month's Love Horoscope
On the 2nd, the New Moon offers a love life reboot. Forget perfection; focus on real-deal intimacy. From the 4th, Mars wants you to share romantic goals with friends—they might help make them real or set you up. On the 17th, the Full Moon Eclipse highlights recent relationship lessons learned. Where does your relationship world go from here? You decide. From the 22nd to October 17th, Venus makes you a social magnet. Get out there and let your Virgoan charm shine!