Prediction Dates & Love Compatibility for the Sagittarius Zodiac Sign
Date Range | Duality | Element | Quality | Symbol |
November 22–December 21 | Masculine | Fire | Mutable | The Archer |
This Month's Horoscope
The career-oriented New Moon on the 2nd launches you straight to the top. Are you ready for lift-off? With ambitions sky-high, it's time to make big moves, but have a plan first. From the 4th until November 3rd, mighty, passionate Mars boosts your mojo. You'll be a force to be reckoned with - in the boardroom and bedroom! When the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse lights up your emotional foundations on the 17th, it could be time to put down roots—or maybe rip them up and start fresh. If you have wanted to feel more stable and secure, the Eclipse can highlight a way forward, too.
This Month's Love Horoscope
From the 4th to November 3rd, Mars ignites your libido! An electrifying period in your love life awaits, and your boudoir could see more activity. On the 17th, the Full Moon Eclipse highlights old love patterns, offering a clean slate. Let go of any lingering emotional baggage. From the 22nd to October 17th, Venus wraps you in a blanket of healing and closure. Face any grudges or past pains head-on. Accept help on offer to free yourself from the chains of resentment.