Prediction Dates & Love Compatibility for the Capricorn Zodiac Sign
Date Range | Duality | Element | Quality | Symbol |
December 22–January 19 | Feminine | Earth | Cardinal | The Goat |
This Month's Horoscope
A New Moon on the 2nd urges you to confront truths you've avoided. It's time to align your ideals with your reality and stop living in the shadows. Mars influences relationships and partnerships from the 4th until November 3rd, and it's all about passion—whether it's love, war or a bit of both. Don't be afraid to fight for what you want, but remember that compromise is key. The Full Moon Lunar Eclipse on the 17th helps you “get the word out.” Whatever you're selling, people will be buying and whoever you need on your side to make something happen, they're there!
This Month's Love Horoscope
From the 4th to November 3rd, Mars fuels one-to-one connections with passionate energy. Single? Go after what or who you want confidently. Coupled? Harness Mars' vibes pleasurably, not aggressively. The Full Moon Eclipse on the 17th clears the air in conversations. Speak without fear and see where it leads. From the 22nd to October 17th, Venus makes you a social magnet. Getting out there to meet and mingle is what's required on your part!