Prediction Dates & Love Compatibility for the Aries Zodiac Sign

Date Range | Duality | Element | Quality | Symbol |
March 21 - April 19 | Masculine | Fire | Cardinal | The Ram |
This Month's Horoscope
A Full Moon Lunar Eclipse on the 14th reminds you that no one feels sexy on a diet of sugar and regret. Cut out the junk, move your body and watch your confidence soar. Mercury moves backwards from the 14th until the 29th, making your mouth a loaded weapon. Say the wrong thing, and boom—friendships, jobs, relationships? Toast. The 29th brings a New Moon Solar Eclipse - and a clean slate. It's time to set goals you can make real – and make them real, you will.
This Month's Love Horoscope
Venus moonwalks in your sign until the 27th, forcing you to check yourself. Are you the star of your own love life or a side character in someone else's rom-com? The Full Moon Lunar Eclipse on the 14th reminds you that love should fuel your fire, not drain your battery. It's time to put yourself first. A New Moon Solar Eclipse on the 29th brings a seismic shift, too. Whether it's a breakup, a hookup or a glow-up, your emotional world is about to ignite one way or another.