Humanity’s main soul lesson is to learn how to love thyself and love others. Uncover the difference between true love, egoic attraction, psychic vampires, soulmates, and twin flames. Learn how to manifest healthy relationships by loving yourself first.
Bright Greetings, Welcome to my new and returning readers. It is a joy to connect with you. I am transmitting the energy of love to each of you as we enter the holiday season. Are you working from an outmoded relationship list? Many times, when you a... Continue reading
If you are waiting and dreaming of a certain someone to surprise you with a marriage proposal or other long term commitment but are unsure or in the dark, a psychic tarot card reading is one way to find out what your lover's true intentions are! As a... Continue reading
Knowing when to end a relationship is a tricky concept to struggle through. Never mind the emotional turmoil of assessing our self-worth through the eyes of another or facing head-on the frightening predicament of "ending up alone" if this current lo... Continue reading
For several years, my husband and I were both working as online psychics, guiding our clients from all over the world. When we would meet new people, and the expected question of "What do you do for a living?" would come up, I always knew the next qu... Continue reading
Bright Greetings, Welcome to my new and returning readers. Thank you for liking, sharing, and subscribing. It is a pleasure to connect with you. I take my time with you seriously. Regardless of the area you want to explore, your concerns are legitima... Continue reading
Even as a psychic reader, I, too, have asked myself, "Should I let him go?" You have goals and dreams that you want to pursue and achieve throughout your lifetime. Understand that it is possible for people to get in your way, but only if you let them... Continue reading
Are you having difficulty saying no? We've all been there at some point or another. When a friend asks us to look after the kids for a little while longer, we oblige, lest we not appear supportive. When a colleague begs you to help them finish a repo... Continue reading
Bright Greetings, Welcome to my new and returning readers. It is a pleasure to connect with you. Thank you for liking, sharing, following, and subscribing. Today's topic: The Predicament of the Romantically Challenged Empath. Being Empathic from my e... Continue reading
DOES HE LOVE ME? DOES HE NOT? DOES HE LOVE ME? DOES HE NOT?Some people chant this as they tear petals from a daisy, hoping to learn their lover's hearts' secrets. Having an excellent psychic tarot reader is a better way to find out! Psychic tarot rea... Continue reading
Is there tension in your relationship every time a decision comes into play? Are you dreading the tug-o-war that might go on? Do you live in worry thinking about how the next decision the two of you will face will be the one that breaks up the relati... Continue reading
Bright Greetings, Welcome to my new and returning readers. It is a pleasure to connect with you. Today's topic; The Plight of the Vulnerable Narcissist. In my extensive professional experience as an intuitive, I have had thousands of cases involving ... Continue reading
Bright Greetings, Welcome to my new and returning readers. It is a pleasure to connect with you. Let's talk about rebound relationships. All of my topics are inspired by your concerns and the messages that Spirit has to share with you. I receive a la... Continue reading
Bright Greetings, Welcome to my new and returning readers. Thank you for liking, sharing, and subscribing. This is our time together to celebrate love and connection. The changing romantic model has the majority of singles confused. The pandemic lock... Continue reading
Bright Greetings, Welcome to my new and returning readers. Thank you for liking, sharing, and subscribing. This is our time together to celebrate love and connection. Let's talk about unavailable people. My Spiritual Support Team is consistently dire... Continue reading
Have you ever asked yourself if there was something wrong with you? And why have you never been in a fulfilling relationship that lasted? Well, perhaps the answers lie within you, rather than on the outside. First of all, let me soothe your doubts: N... Continue reading