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13 Reasons Why To Call Your Psychic

There are many reasons to call a psychic for guidance. Psychics offer a variety of spiritual services and can also assist you with life coaching,...
There are many reasons to call a psychic for guidance. Psychics offer a variety of spiritual services and can also assist you with life coaching, depending upon their scope. They may have learned healing energy techniques, taught other psychics to deepen their skills, and could help you connect with loved ones who have crossed over. Spiritual Guida...

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  1000 Hits
1000 Hits

Psychics Tell You The Importance of Forgiveness

Forgiveness is vital to our evolution, but it is not an easy process. It takes soul work and personal growth over a long period. For forgiveness...
Forgiveness is vital to our evolution, but it is not an easy process. It takes soul work and personal growth over a long period. For forgiveness to be fully functioning, it needs to be in alignment with both souls as it is a symbiotic connection.Each party must give each other as well as themselves.Read that again.A person who has been hurt by some...

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  1022 Hits
1022 Hits

3 Ways The 2020 Summer Eclipse Season Will Influence Your Destiny: Psychic Raven Heart

2020 has started off with a BANG! Psychics and astrologers have long been predicting that this would be the year of massive and inevitable CHANGE!...
2020 has started off with a BANG! Psychics and astrologers have long been predicting that this would be the year of massive and inevitable CHANGE! I really don't think anyone would argue that this is already turning out to be entirely accurate on a global scale. It seems like every single day, the news brings us one more shocking occurrence after a...

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  717 Hits
717 Hits

3 Unexpected Positive Aspects of the Pandemic: Insights from Psychic Shira

Bright Greetings, Welcome to my new and returning readers. It is a pleasure to connect with you. Thank you for liking, sharing, following, and...
Bright Greetings, Welcome to my new and returning readers. It is a pleasure to connect with you. Thank you for liking, sharing, following, and subscribing. I want to focus on the positives to emerge from Covid-19. You and I are inundated with harmful data, hyperbole, and divisive politics. I have intentionally stepped away from negative posts in my...

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  966 Hits
966 Hits

Is It Worth The Impact On Your Soul? Psychic Shira Explores Narcissists

Bright Greetings,Welcome to my new and returning readers; it is a joy to connect with you! Thank you for liking, sharing, following, and...
Bright Greetings,Welcome to my new and returning readers; it is a joy to connect with you! Thank you for liking, sharing, following, and subscribing. You and I are living in an era like no other. Living in solitude, or being bottled up in the same space with friends or family with whom we might, or might not resonate, is making your relationships c...

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  713 Hits
713 Hits

How Psychics Give You A Sense of Well-Being

As we are shifting into a more spiritually hard time, it is crucial to take care of your health and well-being. You may find yourself on the...
As we are shifting into a more spiritually hard time, it is crucial to take care of your health and well-being. You may find yourself on the precipice of a level of anxiety and worry you haven't ever felt in your lifetime. The Universe is transforming us and asking us to rise to our best selves, individually as well as collectively. Now is the time...

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  977 Hits
977 Hits

Who Is My Soulmate? A Real Psychic Knows!

Have you been searching for your soulmate? Most of us will spend a portion of our lives looking for our soulmate. Not everyone has a soulmate, and...
Have you been searching for your soulmate? Most of us will spend a portion of our lives looking for our soulmate. Not everyone has a soulmate, and for some, it will take a long time for them to appear. There are just many factors that affect when you will meet up with your soulmate if that is your life path for this soul cycle.Soulmates are not alw...

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  722 Hits
722 Hits

Tips for Lifting Your Mood and Attracting What You Want In Life: Advice from Psychic Genesis

As a psychic, I read the current energy surrounding a situation or relationship. If I am sensing fear from an individual, I will work with them to...
As a psychic, I read the current energy surrounding a situation or relationship. If I am sensing fear from an individual, I will work with them to move their emotion of fear to a higher emotional state. The reason I recommend this is because panic is the lowest emotion on the vibrational scale. Emotions are energy and, as you have most likely heard...

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  610 Hits
610 Hits

A Psychic Predicted My Love Life! What Now?

So, you had a fantastic psychic reading on your love life, and it manifested! The result was a blessing, but things went awry for reasons you...
So, you had a fantastic psychic reading on your love life, and it manifested! The result was a blessing, but things went awry for reasons you can't understand after a few weeks. It seemed like somewhere, somehow, something went off track, and the timeline dramatically shifted. Here are a few reasons:Free will.We all can shape our future. Every deci...

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  849 Hits
849 Hits

3 Secrets from the Skies: Astrology Insights with Psychic Raven Heart

The PAST is Back! Three reasons why... Have you recently heard from an old lover? Are you just dying to text the ex? Have you been ruminating on...
The PAST is Back! Three reasons why... Have you recently heard from an old lover? Are you just dying to text the ex? Have you been ruminating on the past more than usual? Astrology can explain! The month of May 2020 is unusual because we have three planets that went into retrograde right around the same time. We often hear people lamenting on the d...

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  783 Hits
783 Hits

8 Decisive Keys to Help You Thrive as an Empath

When you are an Empath, you may be searching for ways to help improve your life. The life of an Empath can be a challenging life path, but it...
When you are an Empath, you may be searching for ways to help improve your life. The life of an Empath can be a challenging life path, but it doesn't have to be tumultuous. There are preventive and active steps you can take to make sure you are living life to your fullest potential without too much hardship on yourself or others.Empaths are ultra-s...

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  1022 Hits
1022 Hits

Do You Feel The Freedom Of Love? Advice from Psychic Shira

Bright Greetings Dear Ones, Welcome to my new and returning readers; it is a joy to connect with you. Thank you for liking, sharing, subscribing,...
Bright Greetings Dear Ones, Welcome to my new and returning readers; it is a joy to connect with you. Thank you for liking, sharing, subscribing, and following. If you are new to me, I write blogs that are channeled to bring encouragement and guidance from Spirit. Let dive right in! The value of loving reciprocal relationships is priceless. This is...

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  620 Hits
620 Hits

What Happens When You Ask, "Psychic, Will I Get The Job?"

Have you been stressed out about your job situation? These times are unprecedented, and many people are finding themselves at a loss to continue...
Have you been stressed out about your job situation? These times are unprecedented, and many people are finding themselves at a loss to continue on the path that was laid out before them previously. We've all had to pivot, re-prioritize, and figure out our next moves in all areas of life.Reassessment isn't a bad thing, but it can create a lot of in...

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  1470 Hits
1470 Hits

Three Ways To Help You Achieve Tranquility: Advice from Psychic Empress

Hello, I am Psychic Empress, and I welcome you to read and subscribe to my blog. I am spiritual, honest, and encouraging. I provide psychic...
Hello, I am Psychic Empress, and I welcome you to read and subscribe to my blog. I am spiritual, honest, and encouraging. I provide psychic readings on this platform to help you get clarity and answers to your questions. Thank you and blessings to all of my new and returning clients, readers, and subscribers. I am available throughout the week to h...

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  784 Hits
784 Hits

Where Would You Be Without Darkness? Perspective from Psychic Crystal Love

Psychics are here to assist you. Being able to see who you are as a whole is imperative. We are here to guide you throughout your darkness and...
Psychics are here to assist you. Being able to see who you are as a whole is imperative. We are here to guide you throughout your darkness and lead you into your light. We are here to help you see that what you think is real is an illusion, and you must move forward with an open heart and a pure soul. There can't be light without darkness. There mu...

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  860 Hits
860 Hits

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