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How Affirmations Affect Your Psychic Development

Affirmations have been used for many years to help people with their personal growth. They are instrumental when used routinely as part of your...
Affirmations have been used for many years to help people with their personal growth. They are instrumental when used routinely as part of your self-care and spiritual development program. Many people have recovered from lifelong trauma, self-esteem issues, and have upped their motivation to complete tasks and goals they have set for themselves. Yo...

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  1506 Hits
1506 Hits

Can Tarot Cards Be Read Over The Phone? Psychics Say Yes!

Any psychic will tell you that you can easily have a tarot card reading over the phone. You can even have them in a chat or text reading!The...
Any psychic will tell you that you can easily have a tarot card reading over the phone. You can even have them in a chat or text reading!The energetic connection you have between you and your psychic reader is a unique link over space and time. A psychic reading will tap into your energy no matter where you are. Using Tarot Cards as a tool, a psych...

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  639 Hits
639 Hits

3 Ways The 2020 Summer Eclipse Season Will Influence Your Destiny: Psychic Raven Heart

2020 has started off with a BANG! Psychics and astrologers have long been predicting that this would be the year of massive and inevitable CHANGE!...
2020 has started off with a BANG! Psychics and astrologers have long been predicting that this would be the year of massive and inevitable CHANGE! I really don't think anyone would argue that this is already turning out to be entirely accurate on a global scale. It seems like every single day, the news brings us one more shocking occurrence after a...

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  717 Hits
717 Hits

7 Crucial Psychic Steps to Attract Abundance Part 2

Step 5: Be like a water faucet. Trust that the water will continue to flow and let go.If you are walking down the street carrying all of the...
Step 5: Be like a water faucet. Trust that the water will continue to flow and let go.If you are walking down the street carrying all of the packages you can manage, and a woman walks up to you to hand you the most amazing gift you have ever laid your eyes on...how will you be able to accept it? The only way that you can receive more is to hold ont...

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  977 Hits
977 Hits

Marveling Psychic Meaning Behind A Double Rainbow

Have you ever marveled at the splendor of a double rainbow and wondered about it's meaning? A double rainbow holds spiritual significance as it...
Have you ever marveled at the splendor of a double rainbow and wondered about it's meaning? A double rainbow holds spiritual significance as it represents both the material world and the spiritual world together. We don't often see double rainbows, but they aren't as rare as one would think. Scientifically speaking, they are an optical illusio...

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  3439 Hits
3439 Hits

The Powerful Pull of Karmic Relationships: Insight from Psychic Yehudit

Many of the people I help with my Clairsentient, real psychic abilities are struggling with a relationship. At 65, I've seen relationships come...
Many of the people I help with my Clairsentient, real psychic abilities are struggling with a relationship. At 65, I've seen relationships come and go in my lifetime, and one of the most powerful – and confusing romantic relationships is the one based on karmic obligation. What is Karmic debt? Most of us know about the law of Karma: 'What comes aro...

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  990 Hits
990 Hits

Crystals To Calm & Protect During A Crisis: Advice from Psychic Shira

Bright Greetings Dear Ones, Welcome to my new and returning readers. It is a pleasure to connect with you. I want to share some of the crystal...
Bright Greetings Dear Ones, Welcome to my new and returning readers. It is a pleasure to connect with you. I want to share some of the crystal wisdom that I have acquired over the past few years. I have been studying and collecting rocks, crystals, and minerals since I was 9. I have formally studied with noted geologist and experts, as well as lapi...

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  727 Hits
727 Hits

Family Just Don’t Understand? There Is Hope After All! Advice from Psychic Empress

Hello. I am wishing blessings, peace, joy, and infinite abundance to all of my new and returning readers, callers, viewers, and clients. I...
Hello. I am wishing blessings, peace, joy, and infinite abundance to all of my new and returning readers, callers, viewers, and clients. I appreciate you taking the time to subscribe and connect with me on our spiritual journey at MeetYourPsychic.com. Similarly to your own biological family, we are all united. I do believe souls know souls, and we ...

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  1161 Hits
1161 Hits

Creating a Powerful Psychic Manifestation Board in 10 Easy Steps

In order to manifest what your heart desires, you must claim your desires from the Universe. To attract your desires into your physical reality,...
In order to manifest what your heart desires, you must claim your desires from the Universe. To attract your desires into your physical reality, you must claim your desires in physical form. As any psychic reader will tell you, one of the most effective ways to manifest is to create a manifestation board. Follow these ten easy steps to attract your...

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  1810 Hits
1810 Hits

The Gift of Stay at Home: Finding the Silver Lining with Psychic Shira

Bright Greetings Dear Ones, Welcome to my new and returning readers. Thank you for liking, sharing, subscribing, and following. I write this to...
Bright Greetings Dear Ones, Welcome to my new and returning readers. Thank you for liking, sharing, subscribing, and following. I write this to you from a mandated statewide Stay at Home status, except for essential tasks. This has been a blessing in disguise. Having time to write, be here for my family, get some necessary things done, and yes, at ...

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  816 Hits
816 Hits

The Ages of Love : Wisdom from Psychic Shira

Bright Greetings, Welcome to my new and returning readers. It is a pleasure to connect with you. Thank you for liking, sharing, following, and...
Bright Greetings, Welcome to my new and returning readers. It is a pleasure to connect with you. Thank you for liking, sharing, following, and subscribing. Each stage of life, each era, brings you a different perspective about what you want romantically in a partner. In your early twenties, looking for a romantic partner that will bring diversity, ...

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  655 Hits
655 Hits

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